- [PRESSWIRE] London, UK – 08 November, 2024 — Freya Rose, from King’s Trust Beneficiary to Ambassador, is set to raise vital funds with 3rd annual charity gala.
- [PRESSWIRE] Los Angeles, California – December 5th, 2023 – LFD Productions today announced its historic collaboration with Future Today’s streaming service, HappyKids. The award-winning children’s television series “Goombay Kids,” an LFD Productions series filmed in the Bahamas, is set to revolutionize children’s television by becoming the first-ever scripted, live-action Caribbean series to secure an international streaming service deal. Now giving representation on TV to over 8 million people of Caribbean descent in North America.
- [PRESSWIRE] WINTER GARDEN, FL – 21.09.23 — Sore Thumb Publishing proudly announces the release of its groundbreaking 32-page picture book for adults, “Do It For Me, Please! A Book For Parents Because Baby Knows Best.” Authored by the creative and emerging figure in publishing, Dr. Jay Vaughn, otherwise known as Dr. Jovan Miles, the book is a touching testament to the strength of sick children and the parents who care for them. Uniquely narrated from the child’s perspective, it serves as a keepsake for parents, akin to the scrapbooks that memorialize milestones but specifically tailored for those challenging early moments of a child’s health journey.
- [PRESSWIRE] US – 16.08.23 — Moxie Micromobility’s market debut represents a culmination of extensive research, design, and engineering efforts. A team of experts has worked tirelessly to create products that embody Moxie Micromobility’s commitment to quality, reliability, and safety.
- [PRESSWIRE] LAPPLAND, FINNLAND – DEZEMBER 2022: Zum Einläuten der Weihnachtszeit hat das Hauptpostamt des Weihnachtsmanns in Rovaniemi, Finnland, zusammen mit Posti, dem finnischen Postdienst, Hunderte von Briefen analysiert, die Kinder und Erwachsene aus aller Welt an den Weihnachtsmann geschrieben haben. Aus den Daten über die Briefe des Weihnachtsmannes geht hervor, dass sich die wichtigsten Weihnachtswünsche viel mehr auf die Familie, Gesundheit und das Glücklichsein beziehen, als auf Elektronik und Spielzeug.
- [PRESSWIRE] LAPPLAND, FINNLAND – DEZEMBER 2022: Zum Einläuten der Weihnachtszeit hat das Hauptpostamt des Weihnachtsmanns in Rovaniemi, Finnland, zusammen mit Posti, dem finnischen Postdienst, Hunderte von Briefen analysiert, die Kinder und Erwachsene aus aller Welt an den Weihnachtsmann geschrieben haben. Aus den Daten über die Briefe des Weihnachtsmannes geht hervor, dass sich die wichtigsten Weihnachtswünsche viel mehr auf die Familie, Gesundheit und das Glücklichsein beziehen, als auf Elektronik und Spielzeug.
- [PRESSWIRE] LAPONIE, FINLANDE – DÉCEMBRE 2022 : pour le lancement de la période des fêtes, le bureau de poste principal du Père Noël à Rovaniemi, en Finlande, et Posti, le service postal finlandais, ont analysé des centaines de lettres écrites au Père Noël par des enfants et des adultes du monde entier. L’étude des lettres au Père Noël révèle que les principaux souhaits de Noël concernent la famille, la santé et le bonheur, plutôt que l’électronique et les jouets.
- [PRESSWIRE] LAPONIE, FINLANDE – DÉCEMBRE 2022 : pour le lancement de la période des fêtes, le bureau de poste principal du Père Noël à Rovaniemi, en Finlande, et Posti, le service postal finlandais, ont analysé des centaines de lettres écrites au Père Noël par des enfants et des adultes du monde entier. L’étude des lettres au Père Noël révèle que les principaux souhaits de Noël concernent la famille, la santé et le bonheur, plutôt que l’électronique et les jouets.
- [PRESSWIRE] LAPONIA, FINLANDIA, GRUDZIEŃ 2022 ROKU: Na dobry początek okresu świąt Główny Urząd Pocztowy Św. Mikołaja w Rovaniemi, Finlandia, oraz Posti, fiński urząd pocztowy, przeanalizowali setki listów do Świętego Mikołaja od dzieci i dorosłych z całego świata. Analiza treści listów do Świętego Mikołaja wykazała, że na szczycie świątecznych życzeń nie znajdują się sprzęty elektroniczne i zabawki, ale rodzina, zdrowie i szczęście.
- [PRESSWIRE] LAPONIA, FINLANDIA, GRUDZIEŃ 2022 ROKU: Na dobry początek okresu świąt Główny Urząd Pocztowy Św. Mikołaja w Rovaniemi, Finlandia, oraz Posti, fiński urząd pocztowy, przeanalizowali setki listów do Świętego Mikołaja od dzieci i dorosłych z całego świata. Analiza treści listów do Świętego Mikołaja wykazała, że na szczycie świątecznych życzeń nie znajdują się sprzęty elektroniczne i zabawki, ale rodzina, zdrowie i szczęście.
- [PRESSWIRE] LAPPONIA, FINLANDIA – DICEMBRE 2022: per aprire la stagione natalizia, l’Ufficio postale di Babbo Natale a Rovaniemi, in Finlandia, in collaborazione con il servizio postale finlandese Posti ha esaminato centinaia di lettere recapitate a Babbo Natale da bambini e adulti di tutto il mondo. Dai dati raccolti emerge che i più grandi desideri per il prossimo Natale sono la famiglia, la salute e la felicità e non giochi elettronici e giocattoli.
- [PRESSWIRE] LAPPONIA, FINLANDIA – DICEMBRE 2022: per aprire la stagione natalizia, l’Ufficio postale di Babbo Natale a Rovaniemi, in Finlandia, in collaborazione con il servizio postale finlandese Posti ha esaminato centinaia di lettere recapitate a Babbo Natale da bambini e adulti di tutto il mondo. Dai dati raccolti emerge che i più grandi desideri per il prossimo Natale sono la famiglia, la salute e la felicità e non giochi elettronici e giocattoli.
- [PRESSWIRE] LAPONIA, FINLANDIA – DICIEMBRE DE 2022: La Oficina de Correos Central de Papá Noel en Rovaniemi, Finlandia, junto con Posti, el servicio postal finés, ha analizado centenares de cartas dirigidas a Papá Noel de niños y adultos de todo el mundo. Los datos de las cartas a Papá Noel revelan que los principales deseos de Navidad son la familia, la salud y la felicidad, en lugar de dispositivos electrónicos y juguetes.
- [PRESSWIRE] Switzerland – 18.08.22 — This NFT project is enabling Web2.0 online shop owners to move to Web3.0 into the 3D space.
- [PRESSWIRE] Switzerland – 18.08.22 — This NFT project is enabling Web2.0 online shop owners to move to Web3.0 into the 3D space.
- [PRESSWIRE] US – 14.04.22 — Painters District Council No. 30 (PDC 30) is thrilled to announce it will once again award grants to various North-Central Illinois community organizations this summer.
- [PRESSWIRE] UNITED STATES – October 13, 2021 — International Charity Mary’s Meals Leads The Way In Reducing Child Hunger Through Innovative School Feeding Model.
- [PRESSWIRE] Japan – 20 September, 2021 — La aplicación insignia de defensa de torres de PONOS Corporation, The Battle Cats, celebra siete años de servicio continuo con eventos especiales a partir del 17 de septiembre (11:00 a.m.) y hasta el 15 de octubre de 2021 (10:59 a.m.), con etapas limitadas, héroes exclusivos de la campaña y generosas recompensas de bonificación ofrecidas como agradecimiento a los jugadores leales en todas partes.
- [PRESSWIRE] Japan – 20 September, 2021 — L’app più importante di tower defense della PONOS Corporation The Battle Cats festeggia sette anni di servizio continuo con eventi speciali a partire dal 17 settembre (11:00 del mattino) fino al 15 ottobre 2021 (10:59 del mattino), con tappe limitate, eroi esclusivi alla campagna e generosi premi bonus offerti come ringraziamento a tutti i fedeli giocatori.
- [PRESSWIRE] Japan – 20 September, 2021 — L’application emblématique de tower defense de PONOS Corporation, The Battle Cats, célèbre sept ans de service continu en organisant des événements spéciaux à partir du 17 septembre (à 11h00) et jusqu’au 15 octobre 2021 (à 10h59), avec des niveaux limités, des héros en exclusivité et de généreuses récompenses en prime pour remercier les joueurs fidèles du monde entier.
- [PRESSWIRE] Japan – 20 September, 2021 — Das Flaggschiff der PONOS Corporation, die Tower Defense App The Battle Cats, feiert sieben Jahre ununterbrochenen Service mit speziellen Events, die am 17. September (11:00 Uhr) beginnen und bis zum 15. Oktober 2021 (10:59 Uhr) andauern, mit limitierten Leveln, kampagnenexklusiven Helden und großzügigen Bonusbelohnungen, die als Dank an treue Spieler überall angeboten werden.
- After more than 14 months of closure, the best water park in the world, located in Adeje, Tenerife, will opens its doors on 29 May with access limited to Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays from 10:00 to 18:00…
- [PRESSWIRE] London, UK – 12 April, 2021– Hundreds of schools across the UK are helping children process the extraordinary events of the past year with an uplifting, witty musical written by Andrew Oxspring and Nick Haworth of Edgy Productions. The new primary school production, “Wow! What A Year!” is a lockdown-themed musical filled with heartwarming scenes, charming characters, and inspiring music.
- [プレスワイヤー] スイス – 2021年4月8日 — 映画ビジネスに革命が迫っています。そのリーダーは、児童書のキャラクター“ハイジ”の復讐心に満ちたバージョンです。スイスの映画プロジェクト“マッドハイジ”は、100万スイスフランを超える記録的な額のファン投資を集め、今秋実現することになります。
- [PRESSWIRE] Suisse – 8 Avril, 2021 – La compagnie suisse Swissploitation Films a tapé dans le mille avec son modèle révolutionnaire d’investissement participatif qui permet aux investisseurs de participer directement au financement d’un film via une plateforme blockchain sécurisée.
- [PRESSWIRE] Switzerland – 8 April, 2021 — A revolution is looming in the film business and its leader is a vengeful version of the children’s book character, Heidi. The Swiss film project MAD HEIDI generated a record amount of over 1 million Swiss francs in fan investments and will now be realized this autumn.
- [PRESSWIRE] IL, US – 07 April, 2021 — Painters District Council No. 30 (PDC 30) is thrilled to announce it will once again award grants to various North-Central Illinois community organizations this summer. The first grant will award funding to organizations benefiting children and the second grant will award professional renovation services.
- [PRESSWIRE] New York, NY – Art State Productions, Inc. announces the launch of a crowdfunding campaign for Journey of Life™, an educational animated series approaching education through entertainment for the healthy emotional development of the child.
- [PRESSWIRE] London, UK – 12 February, 2021 — When flexible work means working parents are losing out, progressive employers are listening: it’s time to let parents choose how they would like to be supported. myTamarin.com, the leading nanny agency in London is teaming up with corporates to help them attract and retain diverse talent.