- [PRESSWIRE] Europe – 20.11.24 — SKAi2, the pioneering mobile payment app redefining digital transactions and cashback, has officially launched its highly anticipated Phase 2 app. This announcement follows SKAi2’s inaugural keynote event, where they introduced transformative new features and enhancements that establish SKAi2 as a leader in the digital payments space.
- [PRESSWIRE] Brussels, Belgium – 18 June, 2024 — The European Publishers Council (EPC) today submitted a comprehensive Memorandum to the European Commission (EC), calling out Apple and Google’s attempts to circumvent new EU rules aimed at restoring fairness and competition in digital markets.
- [PRESSWIRE] London, UK – 21.02.23 — Introducing Squid.biz: A Revolutionary Fund-Sharing Application Powered by Smart Contracts.
- [PRESSWIRE] Japan – 26.09.22 — PONOS Corporation, Kyoto-based developer of The Battle Cats, partners with Oracle Red Bull Racing for the “Formula 1 Honda Japanese Grand Prix 2022” event at Suzuka circuit in Japan’s Mie Prefecture, held between Oct. 7th and 9th.
- [PRESSWIRE] Japan – 26.09.22 — PONOS Corporation, Kyoto-based developer of The Battle Cats, partners with Oracle Red Bull Racing for the “Formula 1 Honda Japanese Grand Prix 2022” event at Suzuka circuit in Japan’s Mie Prefecture, held between Oct. 7th and 9th.
- [PRESSWIRE] Japan – 01.09.22 — Now you can choose from a variety of functions such as increased colour change patterns, automatic change mode, logo selection, screen decoration, etc.
- [PRESSWIRE] Japan – 01.09.22 — Now you can choose from a variety of functions such as increased colour change patterns, automatic change mode, logo selection, screen decoration, etc.
- [PRESSWIRE] Switzerland – 18.08.22 — This NFT project is enabling Web2.0 online shop owners to move to Web3.0 into the 3D space.
- [PRESSWIRE] Switzerland – 18.08.22 — This NFT project is enabling Web2.0 online shop owners to move to Web3.0 into the 3D space.
- [PRESSWIRE] Japan – 20 September, 2021 — PONOS Corporation’s flagship tower defense app The Battle Cats celebrates seven years of continuous service with special events starting September 17th (11:00am) and going through October 15th, 2021 (10:59am), with limited stages, campaign-exclusive heroes, and generous bonus rewards offered as thanks to loyal players everywhere.
- [PRESSWIRE] Japan – 20 September, 2021 — La aplicación insignia de defensa de torres de PONOS Corporation, The Battle Cats, celebra siete años de servicio continuo con eventos especiales a partir del 17 de septiembre (11:00 a.m.) y hasta el 15 de octubre de 2021 (10:59 a.m.), con etapas limitadas, héroes exclusivos de la campaña y generosas recompensas de bonificación ofrecidas como agradecimiento a los jugadores leales en todas partes.
- [PRESSWIRE] Japan – 20 September, 2021 — L’app più importante di tower defense della PONOS Corporation The Battle Cats festeggia sette anni di servizio continuo con eventi speciali a partire dal 17 settembre (11:00 del mattino) fino al 15 ottobre 2021 (10:59 del mattino), con tappe limitate, eroi esclusivi alla campagna e generosi premi bonus offerti come ringraziamento a tutti i fedeli giocatori.
- [PRESSWIRE] Japan – 20 September, 2021 — L’application emblématique de tower defense de PONOS Corporation, The Battle Cats, célèbre sept ans de service continu en organisant des événements spéciaux à partir du 17 septembre (à 11h00) et jusqu’au 15 octobre 2021 (à 10h59), avec des niveaux limités, des héros en exclusivité et de généreuses récompenses en prime pour remercier les joueurs fidèles du monde entier.
- [PRESSWIRE] Japan – 20 September, 2021 — Das Flaggschiff der PONOS Corporation, die Tower Defense App The Battle Cats, feiert sieben Jahre ununterbrochenen Service mit speziellen Events, die am 17. September (11:00 Uhr) beginnen und bis zum 15. Oktober 2021 (10:59 Uhr) andauern, mit limitierten Leveln, kampagnenexklusiven Helden und großzügigen Bonusbelohnungen, die als Dank an treue Spieler überall angeboten werden.
- The “No Barriers to use” App for all. Available on iOS and Android devices…
- [PRESSWIRE] US – 06 April, 2021 — G!Day1, the online keynote experience for fans of Game Insight games, has just been revealed to the public. This is the annual event where the company directly reaffirms its long-term commitment to its players to expand, and improve on their favorite games for years to come. At G!Day1, the company showcased its top casual games that have been in operation for a decade or more, and unveiled future plans for those casual hits.
- [PRESSWIRE] MADISON HEIGHTS, MICHIGAN – 07.12.20 — MRA Mobile Experiential recently named Vincent Kirkwood as its new Senior Director of Diversity and Inclusion. As Senior Director, Kirkwood will bring a wealth of strategic insight and over a decade of mobile experience to MRA’s diversity clients. He will serve as the channel’s primary point of contact and oversee all diversity tour activity.
- [PRESSWIRE] London, UK – 10.11.20 — 2020 has created ‘Perfect Storm’ conditions for B2B communities to flourish, and with this in mind, Guild, a British, independent messaging platform for professional groups and networks has today published a new guide: Community Based Marketing (CBM)– the new play in B2B marketing.
- New policy framework for digital governance calls for fundamental re-set of data regulation across telecoms and technology industries.
- [PRESSWIRE] 股份公司MIRAIRE(https://miraire.jp、公司位置:横濱市西區、代表董事社長:志賀雄太、以下稱MIRAIRE)在今天10月30日,於包含日本、美國在內的全球37國與地區,發布了在智慧型手機上遊玩的現實世界遊戲「TSUBASA+(https://tsubasa.plus)」。
- [PRESSWIRE] MIRAIRE, TOKYO-YOKOHAMA: TSUBASA+, um jogo de realidade aumentada para smartphones, foi lançado hoje, 30 de outubro, em 37 países e territórios incluindo o Japão e os Estados Unidos (TSUBASA+ https://tsubasa.plus).
- [PRESSWIRE] MIRAIRE, TOKYO-YOKOHAMA: TSUBASA+, gioco a realtà aumentata per smartphone, esce oggi, 30 ottobre, in 37 paesi e territori inclusi Giappone e Stati Uniti. (TSUBASA+ https://tsubasa.plus)
- [PRESSWIRE] MIRAIRE, TOKYO-YOKOHAMA : TSUBASA+, un jeu en réalité augmentée pour téléphones, est sorti aujourd’hui, le 30 octobre, dans 37 pays et territoires, dont le Japon et les États-Unis (TSUBASA+ https://tsubasa.plus).
- [PRESSWIRE] MIRAIRE, TOKYO-YOKOHAMA: TSUBASA+, un juego basado en el mundo real para móviles, ha sido lanzado hoy, 30 de octubre, en 37 países y territorios, incluyendo Japón y Estados Unidos (TSUBASA+ https://tsubasa.plus).
- [PRESSWIRE] MIRAIRE, TOKYO-YOKOHAMA: TSUBASA+, ein Real World Game für Smartphones, wurde am heutigen 30. Oktober in 37 Ländern inklusive Japan und den USA veröffentlicht (https://tsubasa.plus).
- [PRESSWIRE] miraire Inc.(https://miraire.jp,總公司:橫濱市西區,代表取締役CEO:志賀雄太,以下稱MIRAIRE)決定於10月30日,包含本土的日本、美國等全球37個國家/地區推出智慧型手機真實世界遊戲「TSUBASA+(https://prereg.tsubasa.plus/)」。
- [PRESSWIRE] MIRAIRE, TOKYO-YOKOHAMA – 26.10.20 — TSUBASA+, um jogo do mundo real para telefones celulares, será lançado simultaneamente em 37 países em 30 de outubro (TSUBASA+ https://tsubasa.plus).
- [PRESSWIRE] MIRAIRE, TOKYO-YOKOHAMA – 26.10.20 — TSUBASA+, un gioco ambientato nel mondo reale per smartphone, uscirà contemporaneamente in 37 Paesi il 30 ottobre (TSUBASA+ https://prereg.tsubasa.plus/).
- [PRESSWIRE] MIRAIRE, TOKYO-YOKOHAMA (JAPON) – 26 October, 2020 — Le jeu mobile en réalité augmentée TSUBASA+ sortira simultanément dans 37 pays le 30 octobre (TSUBASA+ https://tsubasa.plus/).
- [PRESSWIRE] MIRAIRE, TOKYO-YOKOHAMA – 26.10.20 — TSUBASA+, un juego de realidad aumentada para teléfonos móviles, será lanzado simultáneamente en 37 países el 30 de octubre (TSUBASA+ https://tsubasa.plus).