

75% of video game players in Europe are adults and the average age is 31.4
53% of Europeans play video games
The overall workforce in Europe is up by 6.7% to nearly 115,000
Revenue has increased by 5% to 25.7 bn Euros in key markets[1]
Women represent 24.4% of the workforce, an increase of 1.3%
Video Games Europe Chair Hester Woodliffe said: “Our new report highlights the growth and vibrancy of the European games sector, driven by an engaged player base. In Europe, as our dynamic sector grows and leads in digital innovation and creativity, EU Member States have to create a robust long-term strategy for talent development. Addressing the skills gap, supporting teachers, and encouraging girls to participate in STEAM programs are crucial steps. Investing in skills, training, and game education policies will sustain a competitive and thriving sector.”
EGDF President Hendrik Lesser said: “Investing in nurturing intellectual property and unlocking the full potential of European game industry SMEs through innovation, start-up and production support will drive further growth. This will help unlock innovation and respect the importance of the role of SMEs within the European game development infrastructure.”

More highlights

Europe’s video game players enjoy games across a variety of devices
46% play on PC (vs 48% in 2022)
56% play on consoles (vs 59% in 2022)
68% play on smartphones or tablets (vs 69% in 2022)
Playtime has remained consistent over the past 12 years
Revenue source by device:
Console: 41% (42% in 2022)
Smartphone/Tablet: 41% (42% in 2022)
PC: 14% (12% in 2022)
On-demand/streaming: 3% (same as 2022)

Read more about our engagements in 2023/2024:
●      Diversity
●      Education
●      Climate
●      Responsible gameplay
●      Player wellbeing: The Power of Play (link to the report)
Any journalist interested in topics relevant to Video Games Europe and EGDF is welcome to get in touch with us for information or individual briefings.

Contacts for Video Games Europe:
Nicholas Elles
VP Communications and Public Affairs
Email: [email protected]
Twitter: @videogames_EU
Heidi Lambert, tel: +44 7932 141291
Press Relations
Email: [email protected]

Players are at the heart of what we do.
Since 1998, Video Games Europe has ensured that the voice of a responsible games ecosystem is heard and understood. Its mission is to support and celebrate the sector’s creative and economic potential and to ensure that players around the world enjoy the benefits of great video game playing experiences. Video Games Europe represents 19 European and international video game companies and 13 national trade associations across the continent.
For more information, visit https://www.videogameseurope.eu

Contact for EGDF:
Jari-Pekka Kaleva, tel: +358 40 716 3640   
Managing Director, European Games Developer Federation (EGDF)
Senior Policy Analyst, Neogames Finland ry.
Email: [email protected]
Twitter: @jpkaleva       

Uniting the industry
The European Games Developer Federation e.f. (EGDF) unites national trade associations representing game developer studios based in 22 European countries: Austria (PGDA), Belgium (FLEGA), Croatia (CGDA), Czech Republic (GDACZ), Denmark (Producentforeningen), Finland (Suomen pelinkehittäjät), France (SNJV), Germany (GAME), Italy (IIDEA), Lithuania (LZKA), Netherlands (DGA), Norway (Produsentforeningen), Poland (PGA, Indie Game Poland Foundation), Portugal (AVPV), Romania (RGDA), Serbia (SGA), Spain (DEV), Slovakia (SGDA), Sweden (SpelplanASGD), Switzerland (SGDA), Turkey (TOGED) and the United Kingdom (TIGA). For more information, visit https://www.egdf.eu/.

[1] GameTrack by Ipsos cover France, Germany, Italy, Spain and UK.