- [PRESSWIRE] VINEYARD, Utah – 12.01.24 — NarcX Solutions, Inc., a Utah-based company and rapidly rising innovator for on-site drug disposal, announces a major milestone in the fight against Illicit Fentanyl.
- [PRESSWIRE] Vancouver, B.C. – July 7th, 2022 – FOBI AI Inc. (TSXV: FOBI, OTCQB: FOBIF) (the “Company” or “FOBI”), a leader in providing real-time data analytics through artificial intelligence to drive operational efficiencies and profitability, is pleased to announce that it has signed an annual license with Minubia, one of the leading digital proof of insurance providers to insurance companies in the Caribbean, to expand their integrated digital proof of insurance and claim management solution from the current implementation in Curacao, to the entire Caribbean region and parts of Latin America.
- [PRESSWIRE] Holland – 21.10.21 — ZEPCAM, as leading E.U. bodycam solution provider, is proud to launch its next generation bodycam: the ZEPCAM T3 Live Bodycam.
- The “No Barriers to use” App for all. Available on iOS and Android devices…
- Join the frontier of satellite data & signals with the CASSINI Hackathons and start Digitising Green Spaces…
- [PRESSWIRE] London, UK – 18 May, 2021 — For the first physical interview since the Covid-19 lockdown, The European interviewed Jonathan Wood, the CEO of C2 Cyber.
- [PRESSWIRE] Genève – 9 mars, 2021 — Le CyberPeace Institute lance son rapport «Nos vies en péril : pirater la santé, c’est attaquer les personnes» (“Playing with Lives: Cyberattacks on Healthcare are Attacks on People”). Ce rapport est un appel à tous les Gouvernements à protéger le secteur de la santé, à déclarer illégales toutes formes d’attaques et faire en sorte que les criminels rendent des comptes.
- [PRESSWIRE] London – 18 February, 2021 — Award-winning MDR company Smarttech247 is hiring more staff for its base in Cork in southwest Ireland to support their continued growth and expansion. The cybersecurity firm is investing in threat intelligence and continuous R&D capabilities.
- [PRESSWIRE] London, UK – 20 February, 2020 — Ebuyer – the UK’s leading online tech and home security retailer – has conducted new research into crime, home security and CCTV systems. Combining online statistics and sales figures from a twelve-month period, www.ebuyer.com/cctv research reveals some surprising information.
- [PRESSWIRE] London, UK – 20 February, 2020 — Ebuyer – the UK’s leading online tech and home security retailer – has conducted new research into crime, home security and CCTV systems. Combining online statistics and sales figures from a twelve-month period, www.ebuyer.com/cctv research reveals some surprising information.
- [PRESSWIRE] London, UK – 20 February, 2020 — Ebuyer – the UK’s leading online tech and home security retailer – has conducted new research into crime, home security and CCTV systems. Combining online statistics and sales figures from a twelve-month period, Ebuyer’s research reveals some surprising information.
- [PRESSWIRE] London, UK – 20 February, 2020 — Ebuyer – the UK’s leading online tech and home security retailer – has conducted new research into crime, home security and CCTV systems. Combining online statistics and sales figures from a twelve-month period, Ebuyer’s research reveals some surprising information.
- [PRESSWIRE] London, UK – 20 February, 2020 — Ebuyer – the UK’s leading online tech and home security retailer – has conducted new research into crime, home security and CCTV systems. Combining online statistics and sales figures from a twelve-month period, Ebuyer’s research reveals some surprising information.
- [PRESSWIRE] London, UK – 20 February, 2020 — Ebuyer – the UK’s leading online tech and home security retailer – has conducted new research into crime, home security and CCTV systems. Combining online statistics and sales figures from a twelve-month period, Ebuyer’s research reveals some surprising information.
- [PRESSWIRE] London – 07 January, 2020 — Tech giant Ebuyer has launched its new guide for parents and teachers to help keep children safe online.
- [PRESSWIRE] London, England – June 20, 2019 — Video Interview – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vxeMjsOPaeA&t=35s
- [PRESSWIRE] Wall Street, New York – 27 September, 2018 — One of Asia’s richest businessman yesterday vowed to use his personal fortune to bring the US bankers responsible for the 2008 financial crash to justice.
- [PRESSWIRE] PUNE, India, May 11, 2018 — ProMobi Technologies today announced that its Mobile Device Management Solution, MobiLock Pro, now supports management of iOS devices, app, and content from an unified dashboard.
- [PRESSWIRE] SWEET HOME, Ore., May 11, 2018 — In today’s world, bump keys, lock picks and pick guns sold online are used by criminals and unlock deadbolts and passage locks nearly as fast as a working key. Anyone who rents or stays in a hotel or motel faces another problem: strangers have their key. Which is why every family and traveler in America has the right to know there is a simple way to stop these intruders.
- [PRESSWIRE] HAMPSHIRE, England, April 30, 2018 — Leading CRM vendor, Really Simple Systems, has launched the second phase of its development to enable customer compliance with the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
- [PRESSWIRE] London, United Kingdom – 30 April, 2018 — After months of contractual turbulence and cuts to funding, a new purpose-built shelter for victims of domestic violence, located near Tel-Aviv in Israel, opens its doors to women and children.
- [PRESSWIRE] LONDON, March 27, 2018 — Today Cofense™, the leading provider of human-driven phishing defence solutions worldwide, announced the results of its European-wide Phishing Response Trends Report, which looked at the phishing response strategies of IT security decision-makers across a variety of industries throughout Europe.
- [PRESSWIRE] London, United Kingdom – 28 February, 2018 — Following the success of ‘The Scientist and the Forger: Insights into the Scientific detection of Forgery in Paintings’ written by Egyptian scientist and educator Jehane Ragai and published in 2015, World Scientific Publishing is releasing, a new and somewhat different, second edition in March, which deepens the reader’s journey into the intriguing underworld of the greatest art crimes to date.
- [PRESSWIRE] RIYADH, Saudi Arabia, February 23, 2018 — Transparency International has launched its latest 2017 Corruption Perception Index (CPI), where Saudi Arabia’s ranking continued to improve, moving up by five places from previous year’s rank of 62 to a rank this year of 57.
- [PRESSWIRE] London, United Kingdom – 25.09.2014 — The Joint Shipping Initiative – made up of Shell, BP, Maersk, Stena and Japanese shipping companies NYK, MOL and “K” Line – today announced it has given $1.5 million of additional funds to a United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) project to improve the lives of Somalis and security for seafarers.
- [PRESSWIRE] London, Untied Kingdom – 27 October 2015 — Imperial College Press and World Science Publishers have released “The Scientist and the Forger” a new book by Jehane Ragai, that takes the reader down the fascinating and ever more turbulent journey of forgery detection and art authentication.
- [PRESSWIRE] London, United Kingdom – 03.02.16 — Global risk and crisis management consultancy NYA International today releases its 2016 Kidnap and Piracy Map. The map is accompanied by the Global Kidnap Review, a special report examining kidnap for ransom over 2015 and identifying themes for 2016. Together, the map and report provide a guide for organisations on the threats to their people and operations worldwide.
- [PRESSWIRE] MADRID – 21 July, 2016 — S21sec, an industry-leading company specialized in cybersecurity, has announced that it has collaborated again this year with the European Cybercrime Centre (EC3) of Europol through high-level training sessions on security in banking payment systems held last week –from 11 to 15 July– in Avila (Spain).