



F4NS is a coding environment aimed at absolute beginners and seasoned veterans alike. It includes thousands of game assets and tools to create your own.


“FUZE4 Nintendo Switch is a great way to introduce young people to the world of coding – it’s going to be really cool to see what comes out of it.” – Nolan Bushnell – Founder of Atari, CEO in Stealth Mode


“FUZE4 Nintendo Switch represents a fantastic opportunity to help address the digital skills gap. Teaching coding from a gaming perspective is sure to enthuse, inspire and motivate young people and provide them with a valuable life skill, imperative to the future digital landscape.”

Ian Livingstone CBE – Founder Games Workshop, Director Sumo Group plc.

Join the community – fuzearena.com


  • Share your projects
  • Learn from the pro’s
  • Comprehensive Help and Video Tutorials

 “FUZE4 Nintendo Switch is a ground-breaking achievement. Making games is a fun way to learn important digital skills that employers desperately seek.  This is how coding should be introduced and we hope this will have a significant impact.” – The Oliver Twins – Creators of Dizzy & the Guinness World Record holder for being ‘The Most Prolific 8 Bit Game Developers’


Available on Nintendo eShop from 30th of August – £29.99 $39.99 €34.99



Main website: https://fuzearena.com
For more information on FUZE please see www.fuze.co.uk
Press Contact Jon Silvera – [email protected]