The new tahini will be introduced at IFE London, March 19-22. Visitors are invited to sample the all-natural tahini at the Rushdi booth, no. N2230. Mighty Sesame Co. tahini is a finalist of the World Food Innovation Awards 2017 in two categories: Best Health Food, and Best New Brand or Business.
Growth for the U.K. mayonnaise, dressings & vinegar category has been strong, with an 11% increase in new product launches from 2015 to 2016, as tracked by Innova Market Insights. New product development on a vegan platform for this category is even stronger and quickly gaining traction, with a 37% increase recorded for the U.K. in the same period.
British consumers seek mayonnaise alternatives as result of growing concerns for egg-safety, egg-free products and reducing fat in diet. In 2016, Bird flu struck in Europe and put the spotlights on egg-safety. Rushdi’s plant is British Retail Consortium (BRC)-certified, and its new tahini is produced according to the highest safety levels without eggs.
Mighty Sesame Co. tahini is a healthy alternative to mayonnaise, delicate in taste, creamy in texture, and versatile in use. It makes a great spread for any sandwich, can easily replace dressing in salads, and ideal for baking and cooking. Tahini is high in protein and minerals, and rich in healthy unsaturated fats. For a short video with more information and recipes, please click here:
Consumers typically either make their own tahini or purchase prepared tahini products. However, most ready-to-use tahini preparations include preservatives and food additives. But making raw tahini, especially to achieve a perfect authentic tahini, means adding salt, lemon and garlic and blending them until attaining a smooth, uniform texture—a task that’s not always easy, and definitely time-consuming.
“Chefs are familiar with raw tahini and know how to make a delicious ready-to-use tahini,” says Metalya Sivan, marketing manager for Rushdi Foods. “They also understand how to use tahini in their recipes to boost flavour. But how does one make a tahini like a chef when there’s just no time for it? And how can it be kept it fresh, tasty and ready-to-use without any additives? Rushdi has solved these two big challenges with its Mighty Sesame Co. tahini.”
Mighty Sesame Co., tahini is organic certified and is a perfect vegan mayonnaise alternative. It allows consumers with busy lifestyles the opportunity to enjoy healthy, nutritious tahini with their meals, without extra preparation. It is all-natural, additive-free, and in line with the “clean label supreme” trend noted by Innova Market Insights.
Tahini is an ingredient on the move, with new global product launches tracked by Innova Market Insights containing tahini recording a +16% CAGR (2012-2016). Overall, the Savoury Spreads market category is the most dominant for new product launches, representing 52% of activity in 2016. Mayonnaise, dressings & vinegar is an emerging group category for tahini applications, representing just over 1% of new product introductions tracked in 2016.
About Rushdi
Supported by 30 years of tahini expertise, Rushdi, the largest tahini maker in the world, offers retailers and foodservice its authentic tahini in a modern, user-friendly format that CEO Ibrahim Bashir guarantees retains peak nutritional value and flavor.
The company markets to leading local and international food companies, such as Unilever, Nestle, Sabra, and Frito-Lay. The plant is BRC, Halal and Kosher certified.
Visit us at IFE, London, booth No. N2230.
For further information, please contact:
Company contact
Rushdi Foods Industries
Metalya Sivan
Marketing Manager
Tel: 972-52-8713827
E-mail: [email protected]
Twitter: @mightysesame
Press Contact
Liat Simha
Tel: +972-9-9742893
E-mail: [email protected]
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Twitter: @LiatSimha