
Zinnov Names HCL Among Leaders for Global Internet of Things Technology Services

HCL has been positioned in the “Leadership Zone” for Overall Global IoT Technology services as well as for the categories of Advisory and Consulting; Product Development Engineering; Managed Services; Sensors & Devices Engineering and Software Platform Engineering & Management.

The Zinnov report evaluates and rates service providers across pre–identified key performance parameters in three broad categories and their subsequent sub–categories. According to the report, leaders display four broad characteristics: market leadership across multiple verticals; strong focus on innovation, IP creation & ecosystem linkages; excellent breadth & depth and high scalability across most verticals. For more information, please click here.

“IoT WoRKSTM by HCL, the dedicated business unit launched last fiscal, has quickly gained scale and global stature in a short time, successfully winning and delivering several IoT engagements with blue–chip customers for superior business outcomes and revenue impact. HCL continues to develop best–in–class IoT frameworks, solutions and offerings as well as strengthening its IoT ecosystem play with the right partnerships, and this recognition is a testimony to HCL’s strengths and leadership positioning in the fast growing global IoT services market,” said Sukamal Banerjee, Executive Vice President and Global Head of IoT WoRKSTM Business Unit, HCL Technologies.

IoT WoRKSTM by HCL is among the front runners in the field of IoT, enabling organizations to experience and leverage IoT solutions for maximizing returns from their asset investments and creating entirely new services that deliver measurable business outcomes. These solutions will have an increasing role in differentiating enterprises and positioning them for the 21st Century. HCL offers end-to-end IoT offerings for organizations across different levels of IoT maturity. This has three phases – Define, Build & Run, to help design enterprise IoT programs, develop & implement IoT systems and manage uptime of enterprise systems to realize value.

Source: http://www.hcltech.com/press-releases/internet-things/zinnov-names-hcl-a…


HCL Technologies Ltd
Sumit Aggarwal
[email protected]
Jaya Shukla
[email protected]