
Your.MD Brings Free Assisted Self-Care to Africa

This enables anyone with a mobile phone to access Your.MD on Free Basics, without any data or connectivity charges, to get the most accurate self-care assistance available today.

Your.MD is the flagship company of an emerging healthcare sector, pre-primary care, that aims to reduce the burden on national health services by assisting people in self-caring via AI and mobile technology. The collaboration marks one of Your.MD’s first charitable affiliations and forms part of an ongoing strategy to deliver pre-primary care – personalised, trustworthy and actionable health information – to everyone.

Your.MD uses AI to provide fully personalised information, guidance and recommendations on next steps, alongside its curated network of trusted health service providers and products – OneStop Health™. Through the partnership, those living in Africa – where internet access may be less affordable and healthcare professionals less readily available – will now have access to highly personal, NHS clinically certified and trustworthy health information.

Your.MD’s chief executive, Matteo Berlucchi, comments: “Our mission is to democratize healthcare. Your.MD places pre-primary care in the hands of everyone with a mobile phone, which is a fundamental human right. Working with Free Basics we’re even closer to achieving this goal, as many countries in Africa can now access trustworthy and accurate health advice that is fully personalised and relevant to them at zero cost. For those in particularly rural communities, the service can boost the knowledge of nurses and community care providers to better serve people in need of accurate and trusted medical assistance.”

Your.MD has also revealed that its now working with UK charity The Migraine Centre to offer specialist treatment to sufferers of migraine and cluster headaches from around the world. The Migraine Centre is one of Your.MD’s trusted healthcare providers and is now available directly through Your.MD as part of OneStop Health™, its curated network of third party providers. Patients can self-refer and are asked to donate towards the cost of their appointment.

Your.MD’s AI based pre-primary care service is available on PC, iOS and Android app and popular messenger platforms such asFacebook Messenger, Kik, Slack, and Telegram.

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About Your.MD

Your.MD is the world’s most advanced AI Personal Health Assistant, offering anyone with a mobile phone free access to fully personalised, trustworthy and actionable pre-primary care information. Available on PCs, iOS and Android apps and a multitude of popular messenger platforms, Your.MD empowers people to discover what’s wrong with them thanks to the world’s first AI system designed to understand individual situations and personal factors, receive medically certified guidance (in partnership with the UK’s NHS), and discover the best available next step options via OneStop Health™ – Your.MD’s curated network of trusted health service providers and products. Founded in Oslo, Norway, and now headquartered in London, UK, Your.MD has ongoing partnerships with Samsung S Health and the NHS. #health4all




Cassie Kendle
[email protected]
+44 (0) 7772 882 082