
The world’s most secure telephone is being launched on the market


The telephone is also a wallet that allows funds to be sent and received. It is a comprehensive solution for payment systems and all transactions in the financial sector. IMpulse K1 is part of a fintech market that has long since grown into a billion-dollar industry. 

The telephone of the future will be an office, a control room, and a security center, and the old notion of the ‘telephone’ has been completely redefined by the Impulse K1; the era of spying on people has passed. No one need know what we’ve done, where we did it, or how often – the mania for surveillance has now come to an end. 

The IMpulse K1 ensures that all telephone conversations and data exchanges – along with any transfer of funds – remain absolutely anonymous. This is made possible by VoBP, which stands for Voice Over Blockchain Protocol. 

Voice Over Blockchain Protocol (VoBP) allows users to communicate entirely securely and with comprehensive encryption. All data and processes (such as document transfers, texts, and voice messages) are transmitted via unique peer-to-peer and end-to-end encryption. The relevant security codes are constantly updated and cannot be deduced.

This also makes third-party interference nigh on impossible. Data are recorded and encrypted via the IPFS platform using decentralized storage based on blockchain technology. Trading in cryptocurrencies will become simple, efficient, and absolutely secure, as the telephone has a corresponding “key” that is introduced into the telephone like an arrow, thus activating it.

The technology has been developed and promoted by Karatbars International, a firm with a global footprint. As company CEO Harald Seiz remarks, “we based our implementation of the solution on our partners and clients’ current needs We have developed solutions to the most important questions: how can a transaction be made more secure, how might payment systems look, and where are we headed in the fintech sector?” 

“Blockchain technology is opening up new horizons for us,” Harald Seiz continues. “We shall have to get a handle on all kinds of things and get to grips with current requirements. We have taken a first, major step with the Impulse K1 and the world’s first VoBP telephone will set new standards. It’s like setting foot on the Moon for the first time – and you can see what became of that; the sky’s the limit now.”

The telephone is available globally from Karatbars International’s sales partners. It functions independently of any specific telephony service provider and so can be used anywhere.