Now however, that favourit could be you. With the radical changes in the online landscape and interactive platforms (think Zynga’s astonishingly popular multi-player Facebook games or Groupon’s global daily deal explosion) the online sports betting and entertainment market has been somewhat left behind in the dark ages of musty retail shops, dated “in your face” advertising and stale anti-social stigmas. Industry leading research by Agility Interactive, an expert in interactive Media, Wagering and Gaming Solutions, has revealed that over 78% of users aged 18 – 35yrs want to share the experience of backing their favourite with close friends whilst 41% find the current online offerings in the industry complicated and overwhelming. At the same time, bookies have been recognized as socially shy with lower than average industry engagement levels via Facebook, Twitter and other social channels. Paving the way as a true crowd pleaser in the online gaming and entertainment market is Favourit (developed and commercialised by Agility Interactive), a truly unique social network (private or public) for fanatical friends, aficionados and armchair pundits who think they know it all. Favourit allows users to personalise a brilliantly designed entertainment platform and follow the experts at any sports event, music chart list or popular issue and find the real favourite. Favourit allows users to connect a wide array of social network and sports betting accounts to the platform or create them on the fly with premium sports bookmaking partners around the globe who are at the forefront of the next generation wagering experience. Designed like no other online entertainment and sports betting solution, Favourit puts users in the front row to experience, learn, share and back favourit teams and events, all whilst finally settling the score with friends. Whether users are in it for a social jeer or want to back a real winner with some dollars, Favourit has kicked off a new offer to the entertainment market that content, media owners and bookmakers alike should be following. To find out who’s favourit, register for priority access before invites run out or follow the @favourit_sport for the latest updates. Sources: 1 Primary Target Market Research User Experience Report, Commissioned Nov 2010. About Favourit Favourit is a unique online sports betting and entertainment network (developed and commercialized by Agility Interactive) that allows friends to connect and share the experience of following and supporting a team, performer or popular figure. Connecting premium bookmaking and media partners around the globe to the platform, the solution allows users to create a completely personalized experience and get exclusive access to information and data from our Favourit crowd. Favourit puts users in the front row for the ultimate online entertainment experience. Note: A PDF of this release is available here. Contact Toby Simmons GM, Agility Interactive p. 03 8610 6689 [email protected] ENDS
- Presswire
Who’s the Favourit? Time to find out
- [PRESSWIRE] London, United Kingdom; Melbourne, Australia (25.07.2011) – The global sports betting and entertainment industries are about to be shaken up by a new crowd pleaser, Favourit, giving users the true front row experience at every event. Every sports match, reality TV episode, election, music chart or racetrack has the crowd wanting to know who’s the favourite. Inevitably there’s always someone left boasting, “I told you so”.