I-Invest offers comprehensive information accessible through its user-friendly website, along with an array of specialised reports, each delving deep into key market sectors. These sectors span from the intricacies of banking and finance to the frontier of tech and innovation. With I-Invest, everything you need to know is just a click away, providing you with a distinct competitive advantage.
I-Invest offers a remarkable advantage – subscribing is entirely free of charge. This means that users will be able to access essential insights and market trends without any financial barriers, ensuring equitable access to valuable information for all.
Notes to Editors
I-Invest is a digital platform that informs and educates senior decision makers on the evolving trends shaping mainstream industry sectors. Obtaining accurate insight and analysis is key to business success, and i-invest has been created to put market changes into context, providing an essential tool to help industry leaders manage change.
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Interview with Steve Tzikakis of Sitecore