
Is there Space on your Breakfast Table for Morynga Teas and Sprinkles?


She is currently running a Kickstarter crowd-funding project to make her vision for the nation’s breakfast table a reality: http://kck.st/UbMBEg. But what is Morynga – and why should we care?Morynga products are made with dried leaves of the Moringa Oleifera (MO) plant. MO has been described by scientists as one of the most nutrient dense plants in the world. Dried MO leaf powder packs a serious nutritional punch. Gram for gram, it outperforms breakfast favourites: milk, yogurt, oranges and bananas in their key nutrients – providing more calcium, protein, vitamin C and potassium. Standard tests for anti-oxidants have also shown MO leaf powder to have outperformed Acai berries and blueberries. In addition, dried MO leaf powder has been shown to contain anti-inflammatory, anti-hypertensive, anti-diabetic and cholesterol lowering properties.

Moringa Leaves

Morynga has developed their handcrafted MOR Sprinkles and Teas as an easy way for consumers to enjoy the health benefits of MO, without compromising on taste. MOR Sprinkles TM are a blend of MO leaf powder, apples and sunflower seeds, providing a tasty health boost to breakfasts. Morynga products are totally natural, gluten-free, dairy-free and suitable for vegan and raw food diets. The teas are also caffeine-free. Jartua believes that “food should taste good and do good too!”

Copyright Czech Conroy

There is another reason why Jartua is so passionate about MO. It grows in the tropics, along with many other amazing tropical plants and fruits which are neglected. MO is gaining recognition as some International Development Organisations now value the role that it can play in reducing malnutrition and maintaining general health in areas of poverty. Developing an international market for MO would provide life-changing opportunities for poor farming communities, and go a long way to reducing poverty and malnutrition. Morynga is committed to developing a supplier base from poor farming communities for its products. However, for the time being, Morynga itself is a start-up in need of capital to develop and expand. They have launched a Kickstarter project through which people can make pledges in exchange for their products. The Kickstarter project can be checked out at http://kck.st/UbMBEg

Click on the image to view the Morynga Video 

Jartua Gilpin
Jartua Gilpin

Copyright Julia Tredinnick

If you fancy tasting the Morynga products and are in London, there will be a Tea and Sprinkles Kickstarter Taster at The Chocolate Museum, on Wednesday 6th March, from 7pm – 9pm at 187 Ferndale Road, Brixton, London SW9 8BA. The venue, The Chocolate Museum is also a start-up – ‘a hidden gem in an unexpected place’. For more information please visit www.morynga.com and follow us on Facebook and twitter. A PDF of this release is available here. Press Contact: Jartua Gilpin: +44 7931 768 436/+44 3450 251 348 [email protected] Please contact Jartua Gilpin for high-resolution versions of the images. ENDS