Testcard TV provides access to free online tv, movies, shows, cartoons, music videos & more – all on your PC for FREE.
The service acts as an aggregator or indexer of content that is hosted on 3rd party platforms such as Google Video, YouTube and mainstream broadcasters. No content is hosted or managed by Testcard TV.
The service allows members (who can join for free) to save their viewing history and save their favourites to share with friends and family.
A Discover service allows testcard.tv members to quickly and easily find programmes that they are interested in based on their age, country and viewing history.
Testcard Limited, the company behind the service was founded by a group of Internet entrepreneurs who understand the opportunities created by the huge changes taking place in the tv and video industries as they move online.
Testcard TV is in discussion with a number of broadcasters and content owners to help them monetize their content in a way that matches consumers expectations of online TV.
More information:
To try Testcard TV visit:
To contact the team:
[email protected]
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[email protected]
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testcard.tv is a trademark of
Testcard Limited.
All other trademarks &
copyrights are owned by
their respective owners.
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