
T-Post: February issue ‘De-evolution?’

Author, Cory Doctorow, refers to our technological exploitation as using an “outboard memory”.

We’re freeing up our minds for better performance in daily living; leaving more energy for creativity and problem solving processes. But when a recent study showed that a third of people under 30 can’t remember their own phone number, it makes you wonder if our technological advances are really all that good for us.

Maybe the Author and Journalist Bob Brooks was right in a recent article for the New York times when he said: “I had thought that the magic of the information age was that it allowed us to know more, but then I realized the magic of the information age is that it allows us to know less.”

And what about in the long run? What kind of long-term effects are we going to experience as a result of our inability to do anything for ourselves?
(More: www.t-post.se)

De-evolution? is designed by Matt Furie

San Francisco based illustrator Matt Furie spends all day in his room drawing and watching YouTube. At night he parties, dances, strips down to his boxers and pours milk all over his body in front of strangers (well, he only did that once).

He likes to draw monsters and animals and he likes fur and fangs and feathers, scales and fantasy. He especially likes fur.

Therefore it’s not surprising to see that his vision of the future human race (split in two, as predicted by evolutionary theorist Oliver Curry) includes a fair amount of just that. Fur.

Have a look at some other furry and not so furry creatures at: http://mattfurie.betternonsequitur.com

Image of “De-evolution?” t-shirt available for publication here:
T-post is a wearable magazine. Subscribing to T-post is a lot like having a subscription to a magazine but instead of receiving magazines in your mailbox – you receive T-shirts. As a subscriber you receive a new t-shirt based on a current news item every six weeks. Select designers provide their interpretation of a specific news story and that design is combined with the actual news which is printed on the inside of the shirt.

“What’s fascinating about T-post is the interaction it creates. Nobody asks you about the article you just read in the bathroom. But if you’re wearing an issue of T-post, people tend to ask what it’s about. The next thing you know, you’re talking about the ethical treatment of robots or some bank robbers in Brazil who got away with 45 million bucks, you’re forming your own opinion, getting someone else to think about the topic, and it just keeps going from there.

“Because the news is printed inside the shirt, the subscriber is left with an opportunity to interpret and communicate the meaning behind the shirt. It really becomes the subscriber’s interpretation of the story, which is even more interesting to hear about, I think” said Peter Lundgren Editor-in-Chief at T-Post.

About T-post

T-post started back in 2004 from an idea to re-wire the structures of news communication. While concocting ways to engage people in important topics, our favourite garment, the T-shirt, quickly came up and seemed like an ideal media for our aspiration.

T-shirts inspire conversation, and when you ad a story to them, you get people thinking; you create a buzz. By combining a magazine subscription with a T-shirt we’re able to utilize the attention and commitment accustom to the ‘fashion world’ while communicating interesting and important news topics.

It all started out as an experiment. Today we’re sending our issues to over 50 countries.

A subscription to T-post costs 26 EUR per T-shirt, and can be delivered anywhere in the world. All shipping costs are included in that price.

For more information contact:

Peter Lundgren, Editor-in-Chief
+46 (0)70 227 48 02
[email protected]

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