
T-POST Could be the Best Christmas Gift Ever Invented


T-post explained in 2 min: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vIFjwrUjDUQ A subscription to T-post is like having a magazine subscription, but instead of receiving a paper magazine every month you receive a T-shirt. News story printed on the inside, graphic interpretation of that news story on the front. Making it an all-around conversation piece. Like any other magazine our subscribers don’t know what the story is going to be or who is designing the “cover”. It’s like getting a surprise Christmas gift in the mail every single month. Giving away a subscription is easy, just head over to https://www.tpostmag.com/t-post-as-a-gift and fill in the details and how many T-shirt’s you want to give away and you’re done. Soon enough your friend, family member or special someone will start receiving their monthly wearable magazine in the mail. About T-post T-post began in 2004 with the desire to make a news magazine that highlighted topics the T-post team thought needed to be further discussed. And they wanted to do it in a way that would engage as many people as possible. “When people read a traditional magazine, they tend to keep the news to themselves. We wanted to find a more public way to present our stories. So, we combined them with the best pop culture medium ever invented, the graphic T-shirt. Our subscribers became our walking and talking billboards.” Says Peter Lundgren, founder of T-post. T-post started out by making just 5 copies and distributing them to their friends. From there, the word began to spread and the rest, as they say, is history. Today, T-post is distributed to over 50 countries and has been called “Reinventing the magazine” and “Awesome” by The Wall Street Journal and Time Magazine. Note: A PDF of this release is available here. For high resolution pictures or more information: www.tpostmag.com/press and http://www.tpostmag.com/about/all-about-t-post Contact: Peter Lundgren, [email protected], +4670 – 227 48 02
Web: www.tpostmag.com
Previous T-shirt Issues: http://www.tpostmag.com/t-shirt-issues YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/TpostTV Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/tpost.se Twitter: http://twitter.com/tpostmag Examples of previous issues: http://youtu.be/9wS583-5pqU, http://youtu.be/tIof7yEsOn8 Macintosh HD:Users:peterlundgren:Desktop:pressrelease2.jpg ENDS