PayPal is one of the most secure ways for both Rosegal and customers to make payments. PayPal is trusted by most online shoppers as it is one of the most secure ways of making payments online in the world. Most customers even consider it as the safest way to shop online. In addition to that, PayPal users can choose to pay with PayPal credit and even pay with installations.
Customers who do not want to open a PayPal account have the option of paying directly with credit card. Rosegal has created a secure payment system that ensures customers are confident that their data is safe. Some cards that are accepted for direct payment at the moment include MasterCard, Visa, American Express, Discover, JCB and Dinasclub. Rosegal will look to import more credit card types as soon as they are made available.
People from certain countries usually make local payment. This form of payment often has lower fees for users and they are mostly loyal to their own countries. Brazilian customers for example can pay using Boleto Bancario, which often leads to reduced fees with credit cart due to Brazil’s high import and export rates for businesses outside the country. Rosegal currently uses this as its only form of local payment, but it is just a start because Rosegal will begin carrying more local payment types with increasing demand. It is expected that in the near future, Rosegal will accept payments from the following local payment companies: Cashu, which is accepted for customers from the Middle East and North America. Webmoney or Qiwi for customers from Russia, Ideal for Netherlands and softbanking for Europe.
Finally customers without cards or are scared to make payments online can pay using Western Union or wire transfer. Rosegal will ensure customers paying with this method receive their money to the right accounts during the process of the transaction. You can visit SammyDress and Zaful to learn more about these sites.