
Rolls-Royce Owners’ Club (RROC) yearbook launches at Seven Springs Mountain Resort


The hardback publication Rolls-Royce: A Legacy of Driving Excellenceexplores the foundations and history of the world’s most famous marque.

Published by St James’s House and written by experts and enthusiasts, the book also features leading companies from around the world. The yearbook is 272 pages long and distributed as a privately produced gift to all 10,000 members of the RROC around the world. In addition, 12,000 copies are made available to all Bentley and Rolls-Royce dealerships on a complimentary basis.

The launch event featured a very British afternoon tea and champagne reception – a fitting nod to the heritage and history of the English marques. Guests at the launch event also had the opportunity to view some of the finest examples of vintage Rolls-Royce and Bentley vehicles during the Club’s Senior Awards ceremony.

Richard Freed, a director at St James’s House, said: “Working with the RROC for the first time has been an absolute pleasure and launching the publication at their Annual Meet was an honour. The feedback we have received so far has been overwhelming and we look forward to working on future publications with the club.”

Notes to Editors


Katie Shale, event coordinator, for information about the launch event:

+44 (0) 208 371 4026 or at [email protected]

Stephen Mitchell, editor, for information about the book:

+44 (0) 208 371 4045 or at [email protected]

St James’s House is a leading custom publisher based in London.

High-resolution photos of the book and launch event are available on request.