While offering numerous advantages for solar power generation, the high cost and difficulty of producing large quantities of quantum dots with which to develop thin film solar cells has until now kept them from commercial utilization and acceptance. The company is also seeking partners for pilot thin-film quantum dot solar cell factories with Quantum Materials’ automated quantum dot production system supplying the material necessary to support daily runs of continuous roll-to-roll thin film production.
The environment for solar advances is reaching an investment capital ‘tipping point’ as highlighted by the recent pledge by the Rockefellers, who made their vast fortune on oil, to divest a total of $50 billion from fossil fuel investments and focus on supporting alternative energy solutions. They have joined some 650 individuals and 180 institutions, including 50 new foundations, which hold over $50 billion in total assets, that have pledged to divest from supporting fossil fuels over five years since the divestment movement launched three years ago.
“Cost-effective volume production of photoactive quantum dots will create the foundation for invigorating capital investment and adoption of solar energy technologies as thin-film photovoltaics drive down relative cost-per-watt ratios,” said Quantum Materials Founder and CEO Stephen Squires. “Without subsidies solar energy has not been an attractive investment for business and residential markets and as a result adoption in countries that have not aggressively subsidized solar, like the United States, has been stillborn since 2008. With our recent patent award and patent acquisitions we now have the IP protection underlying our high volume photoactive quantum dots production processes that will drive significant cost reductions for thin film solar cells and increase non-subsidized solar energy adoption.”
The recent issuance of Quantum Materials’ Republic of China (Taiwan) patent – ‘Hybrid Organic Solar Cells with Photoactive Semiconductor Nanoparticles Enclosed in Surface Modifiers’ – combined with other recent patents acquired from Bayer AG provide Quantum Materials the robust intellectual property protection needed to bring their optimized photoactive quantum dot solar cell materials to market. The Bayer patents incorporate broad descriptions of materials, fundamental design of quantum dot solar cells and processes for manufacturing them and enhance Quantum Material’s technology portfolio in printing Quantum Dot displays, solar cells and other printed electronic devices by gravure or high-speed roll-to-roll. The company is seeking partners with which to utilize proprietary materials and processes to drive next generation thin-film solutions.
About Quantum Materials Corp
Quantum Materials Corp develops and manufactures Tetrapod Quantum Dots for use in medical, display, solar energy and lighting applications through its patent-pending volume production process. QMC’s volume manufacturing methods enable consistent quality and scalable cost reductions to drive innovative discovery to commercial success. (www.qmcdots.com) Wholly-owned subsidiary Solterra Renewable Technologies develops sustainable solar technology by replacing silicon wafer-based solar cells with high-production, low-cost, efficient and flexible thin-film quantum dot solar cells. (www.solterrarenewable.com)
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This press release contains forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties concerning business, products, and financial results. Actual results may differ materially from the results predicted. More information about potential risk factors that could affect our business, products, and financial results are included in our annual report and in reports subsequently filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”). All documents are available through the SEC’s EDGAR System at http://www.sec.gov/ or www.QMCdots.com. We hereby disclaim any obligation to publicly update the information provided above, including forward-looking statements, to reflect subsequent events or circumstances.
Business Inquiries:
Art Lamstein
Director of Marketing
Rich Schineller
Investor Relations:
Clay Chase
SD Torrey Hills Capital
858 456-7300