Oxxygen Marketing teams up with NSPCC to Raise Vital Funds

Looking to utilise social media for an outstanding cause – ‘Now I Know’ by the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC ) – the Oxxygen team has committed to donate 50p to the charity for every new Facebook ‘Like’ they receive, running up to November. Capped at 1000 ‘Likes’, Oxxygen Marketing hope to raise up to £500 for the NSPCC.

But what do the Likes mean for the Oxxygen Marketing Managing Director, Max Hilton Jenvey?

Reaching 500 new ‘Likes’ will see Max grow a moustache and on reaching 1,000 ‘Likes’, a full-on beard. For those of you who don’t know Mr Jenvey, he absolutely loathes facial hair leaving his team excited but himself daunted at the prospect.

Max, 47, said: “Due to a huge dislike of facial hair, the team cooked up a plan for me to grow a moustache and then a beard when we hit the 500 and 1,000 ‘Likes’ on our Facebook page. As a big supporter of the NSPCC how could I say ‘No’? The charity does fantastic work to help those children who don’t have a happy and safe upbringing, and we hope to raise some valuable funds to support their crucial work to protect these vulnerable children.”

Vicky Sait, Community Fundraising Manager for the NSPCC, said: “We are so grateful to Oxxygen Marketing for committing to raise money for our charity through their new social media campaign. Ninety-two per cent of our funds come directly from the generous donations of members of the public and businesses, such as Oxxygen Marketing. And we simply wouldn’t be able to continue to deliver our vital services, which are so often a lifeline to children and young people affected by abuse, without their kind support. We wish Max and his team all the best for the campaign!”

The NSPCC is the UK’s leading charity specialising in child protection and the prevention of cruelty to children. The charity runs a range of locally-based services for children and families; campaigns to help change and improve the lives of children; provides a helpline for adults to call if they’re concerned about a child; and ChildLine: the UK’s free, confidential 24-hour helpline and online service for children and young people to call if they need help or advice.

To support the NSPCC on this social media fundraising campaign, please visit the Oxxygen Marketing Facebook page at:https://www.facebook.com/OxxygenMarketing and don’t forget to Like it!

For more information, please contact:

Tom Sparkes – 020 8735 6500 – [email protected]

Max Jenvey – 07980 290 466 – [email protected]