
New verify-u Management Pushes Progress with Registration as verify-u GmbH

Says CEO Denis Kolesnikov, “This is more than a name change. It’s a signal that we’re renewing everything. Identity verification is a critical process for every trust-based industry, and we’re positioned to make verify-u the top ID option across the EU and beyond. We’re investing heavily in technology and taking a fresh look at every aspect of our system.”

“Compliance with Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Know Your Customer (KYC) rules can be tricky … especially for small-to-medium-sized companies,” said Kolesnikov, “verify-u is now perfectly positioned to help them make it fast, easy and quite a lot cheaper than the competition.”

After taking control of the verify-u organisation in January and working to strengthen internal systems and technology, Kolesnikov says that verify-u team and service are stronger than ever. “There’s no better place in the EU to operate secure identity service. The standards here are top of the line, so we’ll expand business both in Germany and abroad, all in compliance with the Federal Data Protection Act and EU Data Protection Directive.”

The current verify-u product mix includes a module-based online identification suite, including verification services and fraud prevention, youth protection and online age verification, a Video On Demand (VOD) portal as well as the first online eSign service in Germany. These services are available EU-wide as plug-in business solutions.

Founded in 2004 as Cybits AG and based in Mainz-Kastel, verify-u is a leader in identity verification in Germany. With proven experience, 3 million global customers and a suite of identity solutions, verify-u provides end-to-end ID services for the financial industry as well as businesses in retail/eCommerce, travel and mobility.


verify-u GmbH provides online identification and verification services. Its products include video-chat based identity check, qualified e-signature, data comparison, identity confirmation, document check, intelligent data capture, verification of existence and extended document check. In addition, it offers anti-money laundering prevention (AML). verify-u is based in Mainz-Kastel, Germany and was formerly operated under the name Cybits AG, a company founded in 2004.

Media Contact:

Amanda Citro, Business Development Manager

Email: [email protected]
