
New lead generation service takes the heat out of telesales


Leading Edge uses a team of expert tele researchers who make literally thousands of calls to obtain the contact details and names of decision makers and influencers involved in their company’s relocation. Darren Frostick said, “Our approach is unusual in that we don’t use clever algorithms or mass access portals to find potential customers; every lead is obtained by a real person talking directly to the prospect, so all the information is relevant and accurate.”

At present the service is available for London, the Home Counties and the North West of England, but there are plans to extend operations to other areas in the future.  Darren continued, “We decided to start with the most densely populated areas where most industry is based rather than over extend ourselves by trying to cover the whole country. Our plan is to roll out the service to other areas gradually as the business develops.”

There are two service options available. The Standard Service provides inside-information on 40 companies a month with 10–100 employees who are relocating within the next 12 months. The Tailored Service allows the client to set the rules by stating exactly what type of customers they are looking for, this is based on criteria such as staff size and lead in time.  Researchers then focus their calls based on those instructions and put the client directly in touch with the decision maker, or influencer, in the company.

Despite the increase in the use of Internet searches, e-mail and social media, telesales is still one of the most effective ways of communicating with prospective customers, the down side is that it is time consuming and can be very challenging for those making the calls. Leading Edge is aiming to take the heat out of the process by making the initial calls and researching the market for their clients, paving the way for them to deliver the coup de grâce!

Business enquiries to:
Darren Frostick
Leading Edge Market Solutions Ltd
Caprini House
Praed Street
W2 1RH
0203 0110311
[email protected] 

Editorial enquiries to:
David Jordan
The Words Workshop Ltd
26 Swanwick Lane
Milton Keynes
MK10 9LD
01908 695500
[email protected] 