
Loro Parque, recognised as the #1 Zoo in the World for the second consecutive year

This renowned Parque has just received the Travellers’ Choice 2018 recognition, only a few months after Siam Park, the Company’s water park, was recognised as the No. 1 in the world in its category for five years in a row

This recognition reinforces Loro Parque’s role as an authentic wildlife conservation centre, whose pillars are education, conservation and raising awareness among its visitors about the importance of protecting the animal world and its ecosystems. Almost 50 million people have visited its facilities throughout its more than 45-year history, and all of them have recognised the top welfare of all the animals in the Parque.

Loro Parque picturesquely located on Tenerife, one of the Canary Islands, has an elaborate science, education and conservation programme implemented since 1994 through the Loro Parque Foundation. In this period of time and thanks to the principal sponsorship from Loro Parque, the Foundation was able to allocate more than 19 million dollars directly to the development of ‘in situ’ and ‘ex situ’ conservation programmes. This recognition coincides, precisely, with the transfer of six specimens of Lear’s Macaws (one of the nine parrot species that the Foundation has managed to save from imminent extinction) to Brazil for their reinsertion into the wild, an event that is considered a conservation success.

With this and many other achievements in the protection of wildlife – many of which are marine species – Loro Parque is reaping the rewards of applying a corporate policy of reinvesting all its profits in the continuous development of the company and the constant improvement of animal welfare. At present, the company reinforces its firm commitment to the expansion of our facilities and infrastructure, which in turn contributes to the constant generation of employment in the Canary Islands.

Loro Parque is celebrating without a doubt, and would like to take this opportunity to thank its customers who visit daily from many different parts of the world; the tour operators, for their important commitment to a wildlife conservation centre whose priority is animal welfare; and all the collaborators in the scientific field, for sharing with the Loro Parque team their mission: to protect and conserve animals and their natural habitats for future generations.

More about Travellers’ Choice 2018:https://www.tripadvisor.es/TravelersChoice-Attractions-cZoos

More information on Loro Parque: http://www.loroparque.com/

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