



[PRESSWIRE] Adelaide, South Australia – 04.05.23 — 110-year-old Catherina van der Linden of Adelaide, South Australia has been recognized by LongeviQuest, the global authority on maximum human longevity, as being Australia’s oldest known living resident.  Mrs. van der Linden assumed the title after the March passing of 111-year-old Mrs. Gwen Moore of Bongaree, Queensland.


Mrs. van der Linden was born in the Netherlands in August of 1912 and lived there for her early life, marrying her husband Johannes in 1940, with whom she had four children.  In 1955, Mrs. van der Linden and her husband first visited Australia, though they did not emigrate permanently until several years later.  As of her 110th birthday in August 2022, she had 10 grandchildren and 15 great-grandchildren.


LongeviQuest verified and validated Mrs. van der Linden’s age in February 2023.  Her age had previously been validated by the European Supercentenarian Organisation.  LongeviQuest notes that while Mrs. van der Linden’s age and status as the oldest known living Australian are certain, it remains possible that other (currently unknown) supercentenarian candidates may emerge in the future.


LongeviQuest (LQ) is the global authority on maximum human longevity.  The organization was founded in 2022 as a collaboration between the world’s leading age validation experts, with professional researchers in Europe, Asia, and the Americas.  Among its notable research achievements, LongeviQuest validated the first recognized supercentenarians in India and the Philippines.  Further information, including the largest database of validated living supercentenarians, can be found at LongeviQuest.com.


Media Contacts


Ben Meyers | [email protected]

Stefan Maglov | [email protected]


(Photo by Southern Cross Care, accessed via ABC.net.au article published 26 Aug 2022)

