Live Better – New program helps control life stress


Very little is needed to make a happy life; it is all within yourself, in your way of thinking.” Marcus Aurelius 2nd century AD Recent breakthroughs in the scientific understanding of the human brain are now being used to give people in the know a huge personal advantage. Neuroscience has gone past just mapping the brain and is showing us shortcuts to life success. Calm Confident MeSelf-education on what makes us tick, allows us to understand what happens inside our brains to help us deal with the real world. When we reduce the negatives that hold us back, it also gives us a chance to increase the positives so we can get on with enjoying life. Most of us are too busy to go and do a university course or work with a trainer to uncover these secrets of the professionals but luckily now you don’t have to spend that sort of money and time. The author Ian Berghofer is a counsellor from Australia, with a Masters of Education and more than 15 years’ experience doing therapy with hundreds of clients. After training with neuroscientists, Ian realized something very important about how brain design related to life stresses and that therapy skills could be matched to the design and functions of our brain. From that one major understanding as well as his educational training and counselling experience he realized a number of insights. The first is most of us think about our worries, frustrations and moods as being very different. In fact they are all driven by the same brain architecture. Our brain takes similar events and turns them into worry, frustration or even an angry outburst. You may have had a similar experience when you were worried about something and became snappy with friends and family. Worry can make us angry because our brain is built that way. Ian realised he could keep working with individuals using a traditional therapy approach or he could start teaching people how to deal with issues based on brain architecture. Even more important was the realization that you did not need to have a problem to benefit. A preventative approach to teach anyone with regular life issues a common set of brain shortcuts to improve their resilience and with that build confidence and increase their everyday feelings of calm. It has had some unexpected results. Most importantly clients report, not only can they handle their own feelings better but they also can understand others behaviour. Understanding others gives a huge personal advantage at home and work. The program is a set of structured experiences carefully selected for their effectiveness and can be downloaded at It is a self-improvement program teaching using the latest scientific principles and understanding of brain processes. It represents real value as it is the equivalent of hundreds of hours of practical development. The program is packed with proven stress management techniques that build self confidence at the same time you are controlling stress. Client ratings of the program give it an over 90 percent success rate and it comes with an unconditional money back guarantee. Client feedback is overwhelmingly positive, “Everyone should know this.”, “thank you for helping me understand (myself)”, “this is a life changer” being some of many positive comments. Explaining everything about how Calm Confident Me works is not possible here but it is all based on our ability to recreate the world inside our head using our imagination. For example, we all have heard of a self-fulfilling prophecy, if you think something you can make it true, the brain is capable of imagining negatives for us that we make true, the secrets in Calm Confident Me teach you how to reprogram your brain to use your imagination to create positive self-image. We literally can grow our own self confidence at the same time we are dealing with stress and other life issues. The benefits in dealing with stress are what is called a consequence chain, by reducing stress, we can feel more calm this lowers our everyday stress and helps us feel better when we feel good we are likely to also feel more confident this bumping on of benefits occurs because we are dealing with the cause of our issues not the symptoms. Another example is eating or drinking to deal with everyday life tension, by knowing how to manage and reduce stress it can help you in making better life choices and cut back on these sort of unhealthy stress habits. You won’t need to eat to feel better because you won’t feel so stressed in the first place. Losing stress weight can help you to look and feel your best and give you a bump on effect of positive bio feedback that boosts self confidence. Calm Confident Me uses a practical easy to understand approach to self-understanding and self-control. Once you know in everyday terms what it is you are doing to stress yourself out and simple ways to manage your stress reactions you can relax more and get on with enjoying your life. You can try it out with a money back guarantee in the privacy of your own home; Calm Confident Me teaches stress management techniques to help you become calmer and happier. It’s an important part of a recipe for personal success. Visit the website for a no obligation viewing A PDF of this release is available here. Please click on the image above for print-quality version. CalmConfidentMe is an online business selling a digital self-education stress management program. We believe that clients can live better through a neuroscience approach to skills training. For more information please contact Ian Berghofer. Calm Confident Me Self Education Program Ian Berghofer M.Ed. Grad.Dip.T. Dip.T. [email protected] +61416230648 ENDS