
Leading divorce lawyer comments on ‘Divorce rate lowest for 29 years’ story

Ayesha Vardag, the leading UK divorce lawyer who acted for Katrin Radmacher in her landmark prenuptial agreement win in the Court of Appeal last summer, commented: “Our experience is that fewer couples are divorcing because fewer are marrying. This comes partly from the increased social acceptability of living together and having children outside marriage, and partly from anxiety about the unpredictable financial consequences of marriage, which have in recent times often been seen as unfair. We generally find, anecdotally, that women are more likely to choose to separate and/or divorce, men being more likely to choose to have secret affairs but stay in their domestic structure.”


Notes to Editors:

Ayesha Vardag graduated from Cambridge University with Honours in Law and from Brussels with a Master’s in European Law, working at the International Courts of Justice in the Hague, the UN(IAEA) in Vienna, Linklaters (finance law) and Sears Tooth (divorce law).

Her firm, Ayesha Vardag Solicitors, works at the cutting edge of family law in leading cases involving ‘big money’ and complex international issues.


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