
Largest conference ever held on the issue of contaminated air in passenger aircraft to start next week at Imperial College


The conference is organised by the Global Cabin Air Quality Executive (GCAQE). Established in 2006, the GCAQE is the leading organisation representing air crew (pilots, cabin crew and engineers) that deals specifically with contaminated air issues and cabin air quality. The GCAQE represents over 30 organisations, and over 100,000 workers around the world.

The breathing air supplied to all passengers and crews on every pressurised aircraft in the world, with the notable exception of the advanced Boeing 787, originates in the aircraft engines and is provided unfiltered to the aircraft cabin. This design flaw enables synthetic jet engine oils to contaminate the breathing air.

At the conference, over 30 speakers from airlines, universities, industry and unions will present their latest findings and the solutions emerging to resolve this issue.

The 2019 event follows on from the successful 2017 conference and is an essential two-day event for anyone wanting to meet the global experts on this issue. It will also provide excellent networking opportunities for airline delegates, air accident investigators, occupational health professionals, senior pilots, aerospace engineers and maintenance companies, aviation and health and safety regulators and policy makers, leasing companies, crew unions, scientists and academics approaching this important issue.

For six decades, the airline industry has known that these fumes can make people sick, but they have not installed filters or warning systems in aircraft despite numerous air accident investigation agencies calling for such systems to be fitted. The toxins in the oil can cause very serious and long-lasting symptoms, including memory loss, fatigue, tingling in the hands and feet, headaches, breathing difficulties, and muscle pain.

Conference Director and British Citizen Award winner, Captain Tristan Loraine BCAi, stated: “The airline industry knows from swab tests of the cabin walls and air monitoring studies that passengers and crews are being exposed to hazardous chemicals but nothing is done to prevent these exposures. Similar to smoking, the thalidomide disaster or the Asbestos scandal, the industry knew long before the people, what the risks were and the UK Civil Aviation Authority is turning a blind eye. ”


Notes to editors:


  • An educational film explaining these issues is available at:


  • Cabin breathing air on all aircraft apart from the Boeing 787 is taken directly from the engines and provided unfiltered to the aircraft. This is known as ‘Bleed Air’.
  • Bleed air is known to become contaminated with engine oils and/or hydraulic fluids. These are hazardous especially to the unborn.
  • Contaminated bleed air events have been recognised as occurring since the 1950s.
  • No aircraft currently flying has any form of detection system fitted to warn when these events occur.
  • Flight safety is being compromised by contaminated air events.
  • Crew and passengers have been reporting short and long term health effects as a consequence of exposure to contaminated air.
  • Contaminated air events are not rare and known to be under reported.
  • Passengers are never told about the risks or these exposures.



Captain Tristan Loraine

GCAQE Spokesperson

Email: [email protected]

+44 (0) 7968 213862


Global Cabin Air Quality Executive

First Floor

10 Queen Street Place


