
Introducing Mint™— the Breathometer for Breath Quality and Hydration

Food and beverage choices, poor oral maintenance, gum disease, tooth decay or underlying health issues all contribute to elevated VSCs. The result is reduced breath quality and increased social anxiety about your breath.

“Changes or trends in your breath quality can tell you a lot about whether your oral hygiene program is adequate, or if you need to do more,” says Charles Michael Yim, CEO of Breathometer. “Over time, low breath quality can be a signal that you need to visit your dentist or physician about other possible causes. Like all of our breath analysis technologies, Mint offers a fantastic solution for making decisions about your personal health.”

Mint is now available to early supporters and adopters through an Indiegogo campaign. Be one of the first to help pioneer the Mint user experience by joining the Mint Beta Program for $200 beginning in April 2015- gaining early access to the product, application enhancements and receive a final production unit when the program is completed. Or pre-order a final production unit starting at $99 in August 2015. Get involved here: http://igg.me/at/mint

Mint communicates wirelessly via Bluetooth LE to the free Breathometer smartphone app, offering users actionable results and feedback on breath quality and hydration. Users simply hold the Mint mouthpiece to their lips while the device draws out an air sample for analysis.

Breath quality information is reported on an easy-to-understand numeric scale that measures Hydrogen Sulfide, Methyl Mercaptan and Hydrogen Disulfide levels in the breath.

The hydration sensor measures moisture in mouth tissues (oral mucus membranes) to assist users in maintaining a healthy hydration level, which is important both for breath quality and overall health. “The mouth is the first part of the body that shows signs of dehydration. In fact, oral mucosa hydration is a proven method used by medical professionals to determine if dehydration is contributing to overall medical conditions,” says Tim Ratto VP of R&D. “We are excited to provide a product that will not only address breath quality, but also offer a portable solution to better manage personal hydration. We see hydration detection to be of extreme value to athletes, health conscious individuals, and the elderly.”

“Breath contains so many biomarkers that serve as important indicators of health status,” adds Yim. “We are very excited to bring this new portable source of health information to consumers; it’s really just the beginning of where breath analysis can take us.”

For MINT images please visit https://www.breathometer.com/press.

About Breathometer

Breathometer is the leader in breath analysis technology. Our mission is to build the world’s first portable breath analysis platform to help people make smarter decisions, improve patient healthcare and to save lives. Founded by Charles Michael Yim in September 2012, Breathometer is focused on innovation by applying the best of today’s technology with superior design. For more information, visit www.breathometer.com. Your Breath. Your Life™



Steve Fiore, 847-415-9329

[email protected]



Jo Marini, 719-339-7722

[email protected]