



The ongoing impact of the pandemic on many organisations and staff is clearly noticeable. Now more than ever, people are looking to HR professionals and People Managers for guidance on how to continuously adapt to the ever-changing working environments, while helping to shape the workplace to ensure individual and organisational needs are met. While some organisations have embraced the hybrid working environment, others have stayed virtual or transitioned back into working from the office. As such, HR Shaping the Future is a theme carried over from International HR Day 2021, as its relevance is still abundantly clear.


Even Bolstad, President of the EAPM and Managing Director of HR Norge, had the following to say about the relevance and importance of IHRD. “Covid has presented the working world with so many difficult situations and unknown terrains we had to navigate. Two years later, we’re still innovating and learning – new working patterns are sticking, both when it comes to hybrid work, travel patterns and – last but not least – empowerment and trust in leadership. HR has played a pivotal role throughout the experience of the past two years. Now HR is a part of shaping the new future. Let us reinforce those changes, to the benefit of companies, individuals and society as a whole.”


Even also said that “never have we had bigger impact and never have we been met with higher expectations, what a great platform for doing good and delivering value to all stakeholders. I would like to thank those who joined us for today’s EAPM webinar, with our esteemed keynote speaker Paolo Gallo.”


Mary Connaughton, Fellow CIPD, is the Director of CIPD Ireland and leads the International HR Day working group for the EAPM. She said: “While we still face many challenges, we have to recognise how the HR profession has shown leadership to business. International HR Day (IHRD) is a time to share how we are shaping new ways of working, and embedding a culture that benefits employees, businesses and society.”


For more information on the EAPM webinar, please visit http://www.eapm.org/ihrd/


Alongside virtual events to mark the occasion this year, participants will be using #InternationalHRDay and #HRShapingTheNewFuture across social media platforms to share their experiences.


For more information on International HR Day, events planned, or how you can get involved, please visit the EAPM website at www.eapm.org


IMAGE CAPTION: Shane Hennessy entertained audiences at the CIPD Ireland annual conference in Dublin’s RDS this week,  ahead of International HR Day on May 20, 2022. Photo: Paul Sherwood