Instructus Joins in with CBI’s Celebration of 50 Years of Business Innovation

The CBI membership covers business activities both large and small and in every sector. Instructus, the largest provider of apprenticeship frameworks in the UK are significant within the vocational education sector and are driven by a charitable mission and energised by the demand driven agenda for skills.

Instructus has been featured in this publication given that they are addressing these dynamics head on not only in their product development but in a headline new conference of relevance to employers of all shapes and sizes entitled ‘Revolution in Business and Skills’.

A key CBI message is that bewildering changes have taken place in every aspect of society over their 50 year existence and these will surely continue. Complementing a relentless focus on innovation is the need to improve skills and productivity to deliver the time resources for employees to genuinely contribute.

It is highly relevant that Instructus embraces enterprise, innovation and micro businesses within its footprint. The increasing relevance of diversity in society and the latent opportunities provided means that any failure to embrace factors such as equality of opportunity is a self-inflicted wound for would be innovators.

Instructus will tackle some uncomfortable truths such as the digital revolution reducing productivity where organisational patterns have been outpaced by events. A leading innovator, Dave Coplin from Microsoft will speak on this issue and moderate a key workshop whilst Jane Beine of the John Lewis Partnership will unveil her organisation’s approach to talent management. Instructus certainly agrees with the CBI’s Katja Hall that ‘homogeneity at the top of organisations can lead to narrow thinking and a lack of challenge to CEOs’.

Instructus’s own feature within the CBI 50th anniversary publication, ‘On Course for a Flexible Workforce’ promotes its footprint in generic skills, accounting for at least a third of all UK occupations as providing the opportunity for both individuals and companies to embrace skills that provide more mobility and flexibility because in this new age of personalisation that is what society now wants.

Within its conference key speakers such as Mike Thompson of Barclays and Anthony Impey of Optimity will show how they are successfully developing skills and individuality through apprenticeship programmes belying the myth that SME’s can ill afford not to upskill and that only large companies have the resources to go down this path. Instructus’s conference ‘Revolution in Business & Skills’  takes place on 25th November 2015 at Wyboston Lakes Executive Centre in Bedfordshire, UK. Tickets can be purchased via the Instructus Group’s website at:


For more information, please contact Katie Shale (using reference: Instructus Conference) on 020 8371 4026 or [email protected].

Interviews with David Holland, CEO of the Instructus Group, and conference speakers can be arranged depending on availability.

A limited number of complimentary press tickets are available for the Instructus Group’s conference in November. Please contact Katie Shale to request a press ticket.

Conference details:



Wednesday 25 November 2015, 9:30am–4:00pm

Executive Centre | Wyboston Lakes | Great North Road | Wyboston | Bedfordshire | MK44 3AL