
Institute of Trading and Portfolio Management Announce New York Super Conference

The Institute’s New York Super Conference will host nine seminars in one day, given by each of the Institute’s Senior Trading Mentors and Managing Partner, Anton Kreil. The Institute’s New York Super Conference will include value-added Educational Seminars for Retail Traders on the following topics:

Anton Kreil – Trading Strategies for North American Pensions Supplementation
Jason McDonald – Why Shorts Are Hard to Find and How You Can Find Great Shorts
Hichem Djouhri – Optimal Overwriting Strategies for Hedging 401K and IRA Portfolios
Raj Malhotra – Pricing Options like a Market Maker and Why it’s Important
Chris Quill – Calculating Realized and Implied Volatility and Why it’s Important
Gregoire Dupont – Long and Short Day Trading in Equities and FOREX Viability Assessment
Dr Christopher Cathey – IPO Trading for Incremental Portfolio Performance
Tristan Edwards – The Importance of Matching Personality to Process
Anton Kreil – Overall Strategy Implementation for North American Retail Traders

For background Resumes of the Institute’s Senior Trading Mentors: CLICK HERE

To secure your ticket(s) to the Number One Retail Trader Conference in New York this year: CLICK HERE

The Institute maintains that the only way to achieve the best results in your trading is to learn from the world’s best traders. The education and information that Retail Traders receive at this conference will drastically increase their chances of becoming consistently profitable over the long term. With over 130 years combined Professional Trading experience at Investment Banks and Hedge Funds, what Retail Traders are going to learn from the Institute’s traders during the New York Super Conference is simply not available to Retail Traders anywhere else in the world. Each of the Institute’s Senior Trading Mentors have at least 10 years’ minimum high-level career trading experience, trading Professionally at either or both Investment Banks and / or Hedge Funds. This is exactly why the Institute’s New York Super Conference is totally different to other Retail Traders’ conferences and is widely being touted as the Number One Conference available to Retail Traders in New York in 2016.

Delegates of the Institute’s New York Super Conference can choose between three ticket types. Firstly, delegates can choose the Institute’s Normal Ticket rate that grants access to all seminars with allocated seating. Secondly, delegates can choose VIP tickets that grant guaranteed front row seating to all seminars and a VIP dinner after the Conference with a Senior Trading Mentor of their choice (restricted to 15 delegates). Third, delegates can opt for Super VIP (SVIP) tickets which grants guaranteed front-row seating to all seminars and a post-Conference dinner with Institute Managing Partner, Anton Kreil (restricted to 5 delegates). All ticket types include lunch and beverages throughout the day and pre-VIP and SVIP networking drinks in the evening.

Early Bird tickets are now on sale providing a 33 percent discount on the Normal Ticket rate. It is strongly advised to book tickets quickly in order to lock in the Early Bird rate.

To secure your ticket(s) to the Number One Retail Trader Conference in New York this year: CLICK HERE

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