Innovation Comes into Decision-Making


The new platform, D-Sight Web, was developed with the underlying intention of simplifying the complexity that individuals or teams face in reaching a justified decision, in an efficient and collaborative way. Its interface is user-friendly, 100% secure, fully online, accessible from any device, and focuses on providing great visual outputs to all users. “For the web application, the challenge was to creatively develop something that people would enjoy working with, while keeping the required and extensive analytics in the software.” says Quantin Hayez, who heads the D-Sight company and its product development. To make the web application easy to use and easy to read, the product development team limited the initial functionalities. They made the visual outputs easy to read and more attractive and put a workflow in place for the users by improving the navigation within each project. We wanted to move away from the traditional software product for decision-making and promote a fast, easy and well-designed web application that anyone can access. “What I hope we have achieved with the new platform is a balance between easy to use and highly collaborative, while maintaining the original features of analysis and parameter setting.” Hayez says. “It is highly practical, adaptable to the customer’s needs, and becomes not only a tool, but a minimum to operate within any team that wants to come to justified decisions efficiently.” D-Sight specializes in decision-making solutions, having more than 100 customers in more than 20 countries. The company develops innovative decision-making software solutions that are designed to meet the real needs of consumers and professionals, in the business and academic worlds. For more information go to: A PDF of this release is available here. Please click on the images above for print-quality pictures. Contact: Hugo Pereira Marketing Manager D-Sight 4 Rue des Pères Blancs | 1040 Bruxelles Phone +32 (0)2 737 67 37 | Fax +32 (0)2 737 67 38 Mobile +32 (0)493 74 45 43 [email protected] ENDS