The GoodKnight achieves complete control of bedbugs at an affordable price, bridging the gap between noxious pesticide treatment and the more costly but eco-friendly heat-treatment approach. The Canadian military is already in the process of purchasing GoodKnight beds through the CICP (Canada Innovation Commercialization Program). The company’s founders Paul Maloney, Laurel Maloney, and Tim Maloney first began working together in the family business Eco Bug Doctor Inc., a natural pest control company, founded in 2000. As entomologists, they were inspired by the success of ecological pest control techniques, but frustrated at the high cost and labor involved to eradicate bed bugs, which were becoming a rising threat in the Montreal area. Further, they were concerned about the failure of conventional bedbug control practices, which often resulted in numerous pesticide applications, and continued exposure to pesticides by bed bug victims. In 2011 the three founders decided to address these problems by creating the GoodKnight bed, a new approach to bedbug control, which targets the need for an effective, affordable and pesticide-free solution. The GoodKnight is a revolutionary but simple way to eliminate bedbugs. It was designed for the user’s peace of mind, so they could sleep in the comfort of a heat-purified bed, rather than be constrained by worry about bedbugs, or about pesticides on their mattress. Over 57, 000 people in Montreal alone have had problems with bedbugs, not to mention larger cities like New York, where some 800,000 people have had a run-in with these blood-suckers. When bedbugs can be picked up just about anywhere, from in a hotel room to public transportation, the GoodKnight provides round-the-clock protection, using a combination of heat-purification technology and a built-in defense system. No longer limited to using pesticides or having to dish out the money for a costly heat treatment, users now have the ability to heat-purify their beds as often as they want, and safely and affordably get rid of bedbugs. GoodKnight is turning to the crowdfunding platform Indiegogo to finance its first mass production. GoodKnight is pre-selling the GoodKnight bed at a discount on Indiegogo for as little as 969$ for those who order first. GoodKnight just went LIVE this morning at 10am, on the crowdfunding platform Indiegogo. Indiegogo campaign See for more information. Send inquiries to [email protected] ENDS
- Presswire
GoodKnight Bed Fights Bed Bugs
- [PRESSWIRE] Montreal, Qué, April 23, 2013 — After over a year in development, GoodKnight is finally unveiling the first consumer-ready GoodKnight bed. The GoodKnight is the world’s first self-sterilizing bed, designed to eliminate bedbugs, as well as allergy-causing dust mites, germs and other unsavory critters.