
Friends of Anjool Malde, entrepreneur and stockbroker, celebrate his wonderful life

Friends paid tribute to his life and achievements. A fellow Oxford alumnus, Anup Parikh, performed an instrumentally accompanied Hindu prayer. Xander Mahony, a university friend and client, demonstrated the moonwalk Jools had taught him; the event drew a variety of people from a range of backgrounds, all of whom knew Jools and contributed memories and stories, revealing the personal impact Jools had on many lives.

Irra K, in a speech to those attending, passed the crowd a message from Jools’ father, Bharat, who said, “This is a party for his young friends… all should dance, laugh and celebrate Anjool’s life.” They did.

Close friend Sweta Chakraborty created a slideshow for guests to view. She chose more than 100 images from thousands of archived, photographic memories. There was also a picture of Jools and a tribute book for personal messages. In reference to his blown-up portrait Sweta said, “Jools would have been so amused that I’ve been carrying his 2×3 ft. face around with me all day. He was, after all, larger than life.”

Deutsche Bank colleague and long-standing friend Barry Bagirathan compiled a CD for the occasion entitled “Heaven Couldn’t Wait”, which included Jools’ performance of Shaggy’s “Angel”. Barry later explained, “I would only make CDs for two people: Jessica Alba and Jools.”

Michael Kay, a fellow Oxford graduate and close friend commented, “Jools achieved more in his 25 years of life than most successful people achieve in a lifetime. He was truly an inspiration.”

Anjool Malde was a stockbroker for Deusche Bank (Global Markets, Associate); he was placed 7th in the Thomson Extel 2009 Pan-European Small & Mid Caps Sales ranking. Jools was co-founder and director of Alpha Parties, a London-based events management company. He was a philanthropist who donated to funds such as the Angus Lawson Memorial Trust, he was a former BBC radio presenter and journalist, the co-editor of “Racing Towards Excellence”, and an amateur musician. His dancing moves, beat-boxing, journalism and video production can be viewed on his YouTube channel, which remains publicly viewable and showcases 15 of his proudest recordings: www.youtube.com/anjool1

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Pictures of Anjool available for download at:

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