
Franklin Energy Recognized with Three Business Marketing Association Awards

BMA Milwaukee recognizes B2B marketers and communicators in southeastern Wisconsin for their work over the past year, including categories such as print, campaigns, tradeshow presence, collateral, digital and more. BMA announced the Excellence and Bell Award winners Thursday, April 21.

A national judging panel reviewed 131 submissions, ultimately narrowing down to name one best of show, 23 Bell Award winners and 42 Excellence Award winners. Franklin Energy took home the top Bell Award in the ‘Digital Campaign’ category, along with Excellence Awards in ‘Self Promotion’ and ‘Printing.’ This is the third consecutive year Franklin Energy has submitted and been honored by the premier B2B Marketing Association.

“Our internal corporate communications, marketing and creative teams are behind the scenes; yet there’s no doubt their talents stand out in everything they produce,” said Kevin McDonough, Franklin Energy Services President. “Franklin Energy has a focus of being a leader in our industry by utilizing social media to reach and engage both our clients and their customers. To have that recognized alongside well-known agencies is a testament to our team’s caliber and expertise.”

“Our creative, marketing and communication teams are experts at what they do and knowing our industry,” adds Tina Semotan, Franklin Energy Services Senior Vice President. “They work diligently to elevate not only our brand, but our client’s brands, through quality campaigns and collateral. They fully deserve these honors.”

The complete list of the 2016 Excellence and Bell Award recipients are available on the BMA Milwaukee chapter site.

About Franklin Energy Services, LLC

With over two decades in the industry, Franklin Energy designs and implements energy efficiency programs for utility, state and municipality clients nationwide and into Canada. The firm pinpoints goal-focused solutions for its clients and their customers across residential, multifamily, small business and commercial/industrial markets. As home of Efficiency@Work, Franklin Energy integrates all customer interaction including online application processing and in-field data collection through its technology suite. Franklin Energy recently acquired Resource Action Programs, a designer and implementer of education based programs and kits.www.franklinenergy.com


Franklin Energy Services, LLC
Jamie Delk

[email protected]