

Rich Hobday-65-4

A new Film Festival, curated by Rich Hobday – an actor, film producer, vegan and environmentalist. He has worked on major British film productions and TV shows, and is a film producer on many British feature films. With a passion for films, the environment and veganism, Hobday said: “I wanted to create a new film festival which provided a platform for filmmakers, documentary makers, activists, and new community audiences, to come together to view and debate current films and documentaries”. Sustainability On Screen is the only film festival of this type in the UK, and is an exciting addition to Portobello LIVE on 5th and 6th May 2019.

The SOS Film Festival is a trailblazing event dedicated to celebrating a sustainable and environmental ideal: a healthier, compassionate, environmentally friendly lifestyle. Thought provoking and hard-hitting screenings of short and feature films, showing the impacts of our diet, consumption and how we live is affecting the world and local communities we live in. Celebrate community and how we can play our part in the protection of the world and its resources. SOS will be screening award-winning films, from award-winning directors and documentary makers- topics include vegan and plant-based diet, climate change, waste pollution and environmental sustainability. It aims to explore how our everyday lives are affecting climate change, pollution and the health of communities.

Film Festival Director, actor Rich hobday is passionate about the role films can play in delivering a positive message, and to cover social and political issues through film and drama 

Award-winning Film Directors, including Alex Lockwood (BAFTA 2019 Short Film 73 Cows); and James Hoot will be running Q&A session; along with a talk by VIVA! CEO Juliet Gellatley. Other panellists include prominent vegans Cath Kendall and Sonia Sae; Adventurer Lindsey Cole; and Vegan Nutritionist Dominica Alicia Roszco.  We also have a talk by the CEO of Save the Asian Elephants UK, Duncan McNair and a screening of Elephant rescue film ‘Love and Bananas’ and a screening of Celine Cousteau’s new impact film ‘Tribes on the Edge’.

The Event is run by a local Arts Group called Portobello LIVE CIC, details on the film festival are at https://www.portobellolive.com/sustainability-on-screen-film-festival

Rich Hobday Contact: 07746742766

Tickets available from the above link.

All Press are invited to attend the event.