

This year we have introduced a new format: the EPC Global Media Trends Book Series and our first one is dedicated to Online Video. These chapter-like booklets in advance of the full yearbook will allow you to dive into specific hot topics and digest the facts and latest trends in the worldwide ever-changing media landscape. We investigate major trends in media product innovation, describe the opportunities and some of the challenges faced by modern media organisations today and present specific case studies.

free press copy is available on request.

The EU Digital Single Market is one of the top priorities for the Juncker Commission in terms of their desire to incentivise access to online media and creative content services online and across border.

Meanwhile, the Audiovisual Media Services Directive (AVMS) – the EU legislation that governs EU-wide coordination of national legislation on all audiovisual media, both traditional TV broadcasts and on-demand services – is undergoing a “REFIT exercise” this year. This makes it timely to explore the video sector in terms of where things are going in the industry and how this can inform policy makers.

This report will give you the necessary facts and figures to appreciate the exponential growth of video, an unmistakable, irreversible and exciting trend.

Online Video is a sector that has been exploding in recent years. Surging global consumption of video across digital devices is driving demand for publishers to produce high-quality video. Billions of videos of all genres are viewed each day on a variety of digital devices.  The opportunities to exploit video as a traffic driver and a revenue producer are staggering and will be an important driver of growth in the EU Digital Single Market.

EPC Executive Director Angela Mills Wade said: “This report is an important fact-based resource to help European regulators when they consider the revision of the EU Audiovisual Media Services Directive.  It presents a picture of an audiovisual market in an enormous state of flux and evolution. We believe it provides firm evidence of why press delivered online should continue to be excluded from the scope of the directive.  We call on regulators to support media plurality and the role of self-regulation in media regulation.”

We will still produce the Global Media Trends Book 2015-2016 later in the year.

The EPC would like to thank Martha Stone and the World Newsmedia Network for another year’s excellent collaboration.  We would also like to thank the 60 contributing research companies for their ongoing support of this valuable resource for publishers, researchers, academics and media industry stakeholders.

For a free press copy of the report, or for further information, please contact:

Heidi Lambert at [email protected] or Tel: +44 7932 141 291 or Angela Mills Wade on Tel: +44 1865 310 732 —www.epceurope.eu