The European Publishers Council (EPC), representing Europe’s leading media organisations, is delighted to present, for the third year running, the EPC Global Media Trends Book to inform both appropriate regulation as well as media business strategies worldwide.

The report provides a detailed survey of the digital media landscape with over 500 data sets and an in-depth analysis of global digital media revenue and usage trends.

Key findings in this year’s report include:

• Internet advertising spend is poised to exceed TV adspend in many parts of the world before the end of the decade; 
• Investment in technology overtakes product development as priority for efficiency; 
• Lack of talent in emerging areas (technology, internet) is the most cited barrier to growth in media companies 2013 to 2014 
• Native advertising and content marketing are the top priority for marketers;

  1. The use of mobile to access the Internet around the world has doubled in one year;
  2. E-commerce on mobile and tablets has grown dramatically;

• Global newspaper industry adspend share is expected to drop from 16.9 percent in 2013 to 13.7 percent by 2018; 
• Digital news subscriptions are growing in the double digits since 2013; 
•The 19-35 age group (millennials) consume little live TV compared to their older counterparts; 
• Worldwide, millennials consider the internet, including social media, the most credible news source

EPC Executive Director Angela Mills Wade said: “The world’s media revenue and usage patterns are changing dramatically in 2014.  The constant shift of advertising spend, device, media and shopping patterns are driving media companies continually to innovate, and through investment in new technologies, overhaul their media strategies.

“With the EU’s political agenda now under new leadership, we will be telling our media “story” to many of the new politicians and regulators for the first time – regulators who will be tasked over the next five years to consider introducing new laws that can impact on journalism, the media and the European information society as a whole.

“Issues including digital advertising, big data, copyright and licensing, e-commerce, data protection, taxation and media pluralism are all under the spotlight so it is vital that the regulators have an understanding of the realities of the worldwide media industry and base their proposals on sound, verifiable information.”

The EPC would like to thank Martha Stone and the World Newsmedia Network for another year’s excellent collaboration.  We would also like to thank the 60 contributing research companies for their ongoing support of this valuable resource for publishers, researchers, academics and media industry stakeholders.

The executive summary of the report with details of all the data and data sources are available at

or please contact Heidi Lambert at [email protected] or Tel: +44 7932 141 291 or Angela Mills Wade on Tel: +44 1865 310 732