
eSpatial mapping leads the way with routing update


CEO Philip O’Doherty says the new routing feature gives eSpatial the edge over its competitors.  

“Our routing solution is a brilliant aid to anyone working in the field – sales teams, service engineers, logistics personnel or any other type of business looking to optimize routes. It’s the most flexible, easy-to-use route mapping software currently available.” 

Routing is just one of a range of new features included in eSpatial’s latest software update. Other key improvements are improved heat maps, greater collaboration on maps among team users, more styling options and increased iPad and tablet support.

“Once again,” says O’Doherty, “We are reacting to the needs of business users who have used our feedback forms to tell us what they would like to see in our product.”

eSpatial has a policy of updating its software every 6-8 weeks. Earlier updates in 2014 added bubble maps and customized icons. The company recently reported an upsurge of interest in its software since Microsoft announced that it will discontinue MapPoint, its desktop mapping software, from December 2014.

“I believe that our latest update will convince even more MapPoint users of the benefits of cloud-based mapping software,” says O’Doherty, “Users like the fact that they don’t have to do anything when we implement an update. They simply log on to eSpatial and it’s there. There are no downloads required.”

eSpatial is available in free and paid versions.

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Website: www.espatial.com

Further information

Patrick Butler, eSpatial, Block A1, EastPoint Business Park, Fairview, Dublin 3, Ireland.

Phone: +353.1.870.8800 Email: [email protected]

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