
Equity Profile Report expands its NASDAQ Active Stock Weekly Watch List

Tesla Motors, Inc. (NASDAQ:TSLA) is currently up (+376.53%) from its recent 52-week low which has prompted Equity Profile Report to add the stock to their NASDAQ Active Stock Watch List and Investor Poll. To find out what other Investors are saying about Tesla Motors, Inc. (NASDAQ:TSLA) Click Here: http://www.equityprofilereport.com/Survey.aspx?stock=TSLA&SubId=PW Research In Motion Limited (NASDAQ:BBRY) a company that is doing business as BlackBerry, engages in the design, manufacture, and marketing of wireless solutions worldwide closed in its previous session (0.00%) on 16,704,245 shares traded after Research In Motion Limited announced the launch of a new security solution known as Secure Work Space. Research In Motion Limited (NASDAQ:BBRY) is currently down (-34.87%) from its recent 52-week high which has prompted Equity Profile Report to add the stock to their NASDAQ Active Stock Watch List and Investor Poll. To find out what other Investors are saying about Research In Motion Limited (NASDAQ:BBRY) Click Here: http://www.equityprofilereport.com/Survey.aspx?stock=BBRY&SubId=PW American Capital Agency Corp. (NASDAQ:AGNC) a company that operates as a real estate investment trust closed up in its previous session (+1.69%) on 11,457,486 shares traded. American Capital Agency Corp. (NASDAQ:AGNC) is currently up (+4.50%) from its recent 52-week low which has prompted Equity Profile Report to add the stock to their NASDAQ Active Stock Watch List and Investor Poll. To find out what other Investors are saying about American Capital Agency Corp. (NASDAQ:AGNC) Click Here: http://www.equityprofilereport.com/Survey.aspx?stock=AGNC&SubId=PW Linn Energy, LLC (NASDAQ:LINE) an independent oil and natural gas company that engages in the acquisition and development of oil and natural gas properties closed up in its previous session (+8.28%) on 15,399,015 shares traded after Linn Energy Announced Informal SEC Inquiry, Maintains Dividend. Linn Energy, LLC (NASDAQ:LINE) is currently up (+23.49%) from its recent 52-week low which has prompted Equity Profile Report to add the stock to their NASDAQ Active Stock Watch List and Investor Poll. To find out what other Investors are saying about Linn Energy, LLC (NASDAQ:LINE) Click Here: http://www.equityprofilereport.com/Survey.aspx?stock=LINE&SubId=PW Also mentioned in Equity Profile Report’s NASDAQ Active Stock Watch List and Investor Poll was: MannKind Corp. (NASDAQ:MNKD), Intel Corporation (NASDAQ:INTC), Uni-Pixel, Inc. (NASDAQ:UNXL) and Arena Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (ARNA) To see what other investors are saying about: MNKD, INTC, UNXL and ARNA Click here: http://www.equityprofilereport.com/PR.aspx?stock=MNKD-INTC-UNXL-ARNA&SubId=PW Equityprofilereport.com monitors and scans the markets for stock related signals as well as any external factors that might bring trading opportunities. Through a vast network of IR professionals Equityprofilereport.com is often aware of several large investor awareness campaigns being deployed. Timing is important when trading Small Caps and Penny Stocks. Simply sign up for free and start receiving exclusive alerts. Subscribe Here: http://www.Equityprofilereport.com Disclosure: Equityprofilereport.com is not a registered investment advisor and nothing contained in any materials should be construed as a recommendation to buy or sell securities. Investors should always conduct their own due diligence with any potential investment. Please visit Equityprofilereport.com website, for complete risks and disclosures. Contact Info: Equity Profile Report [email protected]