
The Empress of the United States, an Anonymous Figure, Encourages Us to Buy American-Made Products


During the materialism portion of this blessed Christmas Season, it may be increasingly difficult to determine the source of all products to see if they are created and manufactured in the United States.  The Empress hopes all Americans will make the effort to note where items are produced, and will research alternatives that are made and manufactured in the United States. 


Statement, “It is time to give back to the Nation that has blessed us in so many ways, and “Buy American”.  We must support our American family.”


Background:  The Empress of the United States of America, an anonymous figure, derives her authority from the common consent of the American public and their desire for ethical and strong leadership.  The Empress provides guidance through her Decrees.  The Decrees are available at www.empressoftheunitedstates.com



Patricia Triot
Private Secretary to The Empress of the United States of America
[email protected]