
Danish MedTech start-up disrupts the global market for eye care



MistGo™. Ophthalmic drug delivery system from EYE-GO


EYE-GO has developed a truly revolutionary medical device for ophthalmic drug administration. This system is the first to consistently secure the right dose and the right delivery into the cornea of the eye so that people with severe and chronic eye conditions can enjoy the full effect of the ocular medication for improved eye health.


Henrik Nagel, CEO of EYE-GO elaborates: “One of the disruptive features of our technology is a high precision micro pump that releases a gentle mist of only 6µl (microliters), which matches the optimal absorption capacity of the cornea. In comparison, a dense drop from an eye drop bottle is between 30-60µl (microliters), which is a significant waste of resources as it cannot be absorbed in the cornea, and also risks irritating the skin around the eyes.”


The effectiveness of EYE-GO’s advanced technology makes it cost-competitive globally to the conventional eye drop bottle. It further allows the global ophthalmic industry to optimize the level of active ingredients and introduce innovative ocular medication for entirely new treatment possibilities. That is good news for patients, and for business.


Another revolutionary aspect of EYE-GO’s ocular drug delivery system is its ease of use.


Henrik explains: “We wanted to create an exceptional user experience, at the same time as delivering the best therapeutic treatment effect for the eye. The result is a system that is extremely easy and comfortable to use – whether you are young or senior, and whether you are at home or on the go. People with eye disease are simply much more inclined to complete their treatment when it can be done in a convenient, comfortable, and hassle-free way. And that translates directly into a reduced risk of blindness, improved eye health, and quality of life.


Chairman of the board, Christian Stig Møller concludes: “We are very excited about the future. From the beginning, there has been an overwhelming interest in EYE-GO, and we are far in the dialogue with several interested pharma partners. We are also in the very fortunate position that all funding is in place to finalize the fully functional prototype that is reproducible in large numbers. That will take us from proof of technology to proof of concept.” Today, the circle of owners of EYE-GO includes business angles, Maj Invest, and as of this fall also Vækstfonden and Innovationsfonden, both owned by the Danish state.




CEO: Henrik Nagel // [email protected] // + 45-21990725                                          

Chairman of the Board: Christian Stig Møller // [email protected] // + 45-30550911

Website: www.eye-go.com


About EYE-GO:


EYE-GO is a Danish-based MedTech start-up developing disruptive eye care technologies that improve the quality of life of people around the world suffering from severe and chronic eye conditions, such as dry eye disease (DED) and glaucoma.


The first technology to be released by EYE-GO is their novel ophthalmic drug administration system.  Customers are pharmaceutical companies within ophthalmology that will sell and market the technology that is compatible with any ocular liquid, as a private label combined drug-device solution for eye care treatment.


EYE-GO A/S was established in 2015.