
Audacity Capital Selects Beeks Financial Cloud for High Performance Infrastructure Hosting

Through hosting its infrastructure in Beeks’ cloud solution, Audacity will create a ‘best of both worlds’ structure, with the advantages of a co-located solution combined with the flexibility and agility of modern cloud computing.

Trading financial instruments has increasingly become automated over the last two decades, increasing dependence on processing power, data storage and connectivity. Traditionally, trading firms would house these servers both in-house and co-located. This new relationship is reflective of Audacity’s forward-thinking approach on next-generation connectivity, as well as its trust in Beeks’ service offering.

Marco Duquette, Director at Audacity Capital, stated: “We have been extremely diligent in selecting Beeks Financial Cloud. Any solution we would choose had to be able to meet our requirements of flexibility, scalability, reliability and latency.”

Gordon McArthur, CEO at Beeks Financial Cloud, expressed his pleasure in signing Audacity Capital as a client: “Having gone through a competitive process, Beeks Financial Cloud is delighted to welcome Audacity on board. Embracing the cloud computing model shows that Audacity Capital is willing to embrace new trends and models in fintech.”


Beeks Financial Cloud is a UK-based low latency service provider for institutional capital markets. With seven data centres globally and low latency connectivity between sites, Beeks Financial Cloud focuses on reducing barriers to entry and time to market for institutional clients trading forex/futures and equities. For more information, visit: www.beeksfinancialcloud.com.


Audacity Capital DMCC is a global player in the financial markets. Headquartered in Dubai it operates as a proprietary trading firm using in-house developed software and trading strategies. Audacity Capital is a member of FIA Asia (Futures Industry Association) and operates under the Dubai Multi Commodities Center (DMCC) infrastructure, a strategic initiative by the Government of Dubai to provide the physical, market and financial infrastructure to facilitate a commodities market place in Dubai. As a proprietary trading firm it solely uses own capital to take positions in financial products providing liquidity to the financial markets.


For Beeks Financial Cloud:
Lorna Kiewert
3Points Communications
+1 312 725 7951

[email protected]
For Audacity Capital:
Harold Duineveld
Audacity Capital DMCC
+31 6 51365900

[email protected]