
Anjool Malde young entrepreneur and stockbroker dies after eighth floor leap

Two days previously, on Friday 3rd July, it is alleged that Anjool was suspended from Deutsche Bank while an investigation was made into a matter allegedly related to comments made on a financial website. He was expected by colleagues to be promoted to Vice President at the firm in 2010 which would have made him one of the youngest in the industry. At the age of 25, this would have been a significant achievement. Less than a month ago, Anjool was ranked 7th out of 239 salespeople in his sector (Pan-European Small & Mid Caps) across all Investment Banks in Europe.

As well as being a prolific stockbroker by day, Anjool was a successful nightclub entrepreneur during evenings and weekends. Since co-founding Alpha Parties in 2006, he organised hundreds of events for young professional graduates, interns and students in London. Prior to his death, he had already started expanding the company to New York. Anjool’s friends remember him as “the life and soul of the party”; he was always one of the first on the dance floor and he would get everyone else in the room dancing as well. He also recently purchased a penthouse apartment in Marbella, Spain, where he was planning to spend several weeks partying with his friends this summer.

Anjool was known as a very talented, generous, trustworthy and inspiring person. His plethora of creative talents are worthy of particular note. As well as his dancing moves, his talents ranged from amateur music (Anjool sang and played drums, guitar and piano) and beatboxing to journalism and video production. His YouTube channel remains publicly viewable and showcases 15 of his proudest recordings: www.youtube.com/anjool1

He had been openly upset about the death of Michael Jackson. On 28th June, a week before Anjool died, he wrote a long obituary which he posted on Facebook and his personal website: “Although I’m fortunate enough to have never lost anyone that close to me, I’ve always reacted to the passing away of people I’ve known with relative aloofness and lack of emotion. It may thus be treated with bemusement that I spent 24 hours perpetually teary-eyed upon hearing about the death of someone I’d never even met… Michael Jackson has provided the soundtrack to my life, and I’m sure tens of millions of others.”

Anjool grew up in Yarm, near Middlesborough and after receiving the best GCSE results in his year at school (9 A*’s, 1 A) and 4 A’s at A-level, including 7 papers at 100%, he read Geography at St Peter’s College, Oxford University.

He quickly made an impact on the Oxford University community, joining 20 university societies which included positions on the Standing Committee of The Oxford Union, the world’s most prestigious debating society, as PR Officer of Oxford Entrepreneurs, Europe’s largest student enterprise society and also acting as News Editor at The Oxford Student newspaper.

In addition to these activities within the university, Anjool joined BBC Oxford as a Radio Presenter & Journalist, where he interviewed celebrities such as Geri Halliwell, Pharrell Williams and world-famous beatboxing champion Killa Kela (who he later beatboxed with himself at music festival Berwickstock 2008); he continued working on Blue Comet Music, a promotion service for unsigned bands which he founded prior to starting university; and he co-founded Investment Banking careers website IBTalk.com (later acquired by Nicube Ltd) as well as launching various other websites.

Anjool’s death represents an overwhelming loss for his family and friends. A Facebook group was created in his honour after news of the death broke. Within 24 hours it already had over 500 members and 100 wall posts which is testimony to how greatly Anjool was valued.

His parents Naina and Bharat said: “We are absolutely devastated. Equally we are so touched by the warm words from his many, many friends that alluded both to his tremendous talent and positive, lively spirit. He was an inspiration to so many. He meant everything to us. Apparently he donned a Hugo Boss suit with matching designer accessories, treated himself to a glass of champagne and jumped from an 8th floor rooftop. Style meant everything to him and that’s how he chose to mark his exit.”

One of his closest friends, actress, writer and fashion model Irra K added: “If you don’t say goodbye, no one can ask you to stay… You taught me to reach above and beyond my fears and limitations. You shared your wisdom and the beauty of personal style-online and off. You were more than generous with your time and resources, and lifted up my dreams and hopes into reality. Quiet and reserved yet a catalyst for fun and laughter… and ultimately a selfless friend. I keep thinking we’ll talk about love, life and laundry at length yet again, I keep thinking how many songs we have yet to sing, trips to make and photos to take… But it wasn’t to be. There’s a Jools-shaped hole in my heart, and nothing can ever replace or bring you back. I MISS YOU SO”.

In recognition of Anjool’s achievements throughout his student career, he was awarded 2nd place in the 2005 UK Graduate of the Year awards.

Darius Norell, Founder & CEO of Real World Magazine, which runs these awards said: “Everyone at Real World is shocked and deeply saddened to learn of Anjool’s death.

The Real World Graduate of the Year Awards were established to celebrate the achievements of graduates who had made the most of their time at university. Now in their sixth year, the awards are still going strong, but Anjool’s entry in the second year stays strongly embedded in the memory of all those involved at the time. His entry epitomised the very best of the UK’s young entrepreneurs today – full of dynamism, verve and enthusiasm and an indomitable spirit of adventure. Anjool was a deserving winner who stood out, not only for his exceptional abilities, but also for his engaging and memorable presence. Long after his win, Anjool was an enthusiastic ambassador for the awards, encouraging other students to enter and make their mark.

At this year’s awards ceremony in September we plan to inaugurate a fitting award to Anjool’s memory, and my sincere condolences go to his family and many friends who will be feeling this loss so deeply.”

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Pictures of Anjool available for download at:


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