
Adamescu Family Calls for the Release of Political Prisoner Dan Adamescu

Mr Adamescu is standing trial in Romania on trumped-up charges of bribery and his companies are attacked by government agencies.

MPs, peers, international pressure groups and others have all expressed serious concerns about Dan Adamescu’s ability to receive a fair trial in Romania. Adamescu’s German and UK lawyers have identified several serious flaws and irregularities in the application of law throughout this case. The Romanian justice authorities have been found to be in violation of fundamental principles of the rule of law: including the presumption of innocence, the right to a fair hearing, and the protection of health, freedom and human dignity.

Dan Adamescu was first arrested by the Romanian government in June 2014 on alleged bribery charges. He was remanded without bail for three months before being placed under house arrest, despite the availability of less harsh terms of detention. Throughout his detention Adamescu was denied access to adequate legal representation and medical attention.

Dan Adamescu has been falsely accused by Prime Minister Ponta of financing opposition activities and of conspiring with President Basescu. His companies are continually harassed by government agencies and threatened with insolvency and expropriation. The case against Adamescu is based on false allegations and unreliable testimony. Among many business ventures, Adamescu owns a thriving independent newspaper – Romania Libera –  which has voiced harsh criticism of the current government in Romania. Adamescu has been a positive force in Romania for the last twenty years, and action is mandatory to pressure the Romanian government to release its unjustly held prisoner and stop harassment of his businesses.

During his time in detention and under house arrest, Adamescu’s health has deteriorated. He suffers from numerous chronic health conditions, including Lupus, heart problems, and a knee arthrosis that leaves him unable to walk. Dan Adamescu is prevented from obtaining consultation and urgent surgery from his doctors in Germany. Prof. Dr. Rosak, a German physician who offered expert testimony before the Romanian courts, said that in such health, Adamescu would not be suited to detention in Romania and has to be urgently treated by expert doctors in Germany.