Aarin – Tech, Regulation and Service

Internationally recognized, Aarin Tech-fin is the ideal technological partner for Fintechs
Aarin Tech-fin is a technology boutique where it is always possible.

Heading to the northern hemisphere, Aarin is Brazil’s first tech-fin hub and a part of the Bradesco Group – one of the largest financial institutions in the country.

Through our Tech, Reg and Service positioning, we overcome the main problems in financial experiences – through our Banking Core, API and adaptation to ISO 20022 – bringing simplicity, ease and practicality to companies that wish to monetize these operations. In addition to working on transforming people’s access to this service, clarifying some points of the technology that processes all of this.

Aarin’s story is not typical, but it is intense. Born in the middle of the pandemic, when the future of the financial market was still a mystery. But to reduce the allocation of resources such as time, money, or personnel to build your own Banking Stack. With a growth of 64% until 2023, Aarin projects revenue of 400% this year.

In addition to being the only player in Brazil to offer Compliance as a Service: a completely automated bureau and database-agnostic KYC engine.

Partnership for fintechs

The evolution of Challenger, neo and digital banks, builds the thirst for a crazy fast time-to-market, following every trend in the consumer behavior, Including, but not limited to: Embedded Finance; Seamless Payments; Contextualized banking offers; and so much more.

Alongside, comes Regulation, also in a high-paced development, reaching for transparency, fraud prevention and global interoperability, wich also requires a great deal of monitoring and adaptation inside fintechs.

That’s why agnostic companies such as Aarin are so important. Even though we have our own top-of-the-shelf boxed products, we excell the most at creating orchestrated nets of financial business partners, optimizing the conglomerate of intermediates in any financial transaction.

We are also responsible for democratizing and facilitating access to security technologies and financial services, promoting an emphasis on the birth of innovation in the banking and payments market.

Modernization and customization of financial processes

Specialized in Pix and Embedded Finance, Aarin provides services with a financial focus integrated to any buyer’s journey enabling any company to provide services like these to their customer base, seamlessly integrated into ‘your product’.

Aarin customizes any financial flow based on the client’s needs, through a continuous regulatory, personalized and adaptable flow. Thus, the client creates their autonomy, but with the freedom of having a team taking care of processes – allocating their team’s creativity to other sectors and priorities.

International recognition

This year Aarin won yet another international recognition, The European Magazine “Global Awards. Three nominations that recognize companies that have managed to weather the storm and boost the economy across a range of sectors, despite more global challenges.

As well as, IBS Intelligence Global FinTech Innovation Awards 2023, fo “Most Innovative Data Services Project: Most Agile Deployment, and most Effective Bank-FinTech Partnership: Best Program Vision. Both in recognition of our collaboration with Bradesco.
Aarin was featured in this edition of The European as:
Best CEO in the Financial Technology Industry (Ticiana Amorim);
Best Contribution to TechFin in Open Banking/Finance Solutions;
Most Innovative Digital Transformation/Tech Growth Facilitator.
Website: aarin.tech
Video Pitch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ePe39OXY-Tc

[email protected]: Founder & CEO
Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ticianaamorim/
[email protected]: CoFounder & COO
Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/caiohohlenwerger/
[email protected]: CoFounder & Global Expansion Lead
Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/bianeiva/
[email protected] CoFounder & Head of Sales
Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rudagalvao/
For more information visit http://www.the-european.eu