
88% of SME Employees & Management Claim Their Job has Made Them Unfit

  • 88% of employees & management believe that their job has made them unfit.
  • 72% admit they work through their lunch at least once a week.
  • 73% admit they could do more at work to keep fit and stay healthy, such as taking the stairs etc.

David Price, MD of Health Assured said today, “Having a desk job is no excuse for not keeping fit; there are ways to take exercise even when you are under pressure. Employees are the first to admit that they are lazy and yet there are small measures they can take that will help them keep fit.”

“You will be surprised at the increase in employees who skip lunch at least once a week so that they can work on deadline when in fairness they could be out taking exercise. Even replacing a ‘chippy lunch’ to something that is low fat will make a difference, and taking the stairs is a sure way to burn off the calories.”

Price concludes, “Many employees return home shattered with little energy to exercise, this is totally understandable however for the sake of our health we need to find time and alternative ways to stay healthy and keep fit, what we can do at work will help greatly.”

David Price’s 5 tips to keep fit at work 

1. Use the stairs – burn the calories and take the stairs.

2. Avoid emailing a colleague, get up and pay them a visit – better communication, burn calories, get exercise and possibly build up a friendship.

3. Take a walk at lunch – you never know what you will see.

4. Have a low fat diet lunch – even if you only do this once or twice a week, it will make a difference and could save you money.

5. If you live within a reasonable distance to work then why not choose to walk in.

Notes to editor: 

David Price is MD of the employee wellbeing business, Health Assured.

Health Assured spoke with 2551 managers, directors and employees from UK businesses who use its employer advice hotline.

For further clarification please contact Sammual-James McLoughlin on +44(0)161-827-8511.