
A 12 GBP book worth 24 billion US dollars….Never!!!!


Coincidentally, the high profile Professor Philip Zimbardo, of Stanford University California, where Page did his masters degree has just written the foreword for the books imminent reprint. Pause Button Therapy was developed by husband and wife team, Martin & Marion Shirran, at their Elite Clinic, near Marbella in Spain. It introduces an extremely simple ‘add on’ to Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, which is attracting interest from both psychology professionals and individuals around the world. Many believe that the problem with ‘talking therapies’ is that they are just that, talking therapies, completely passive. PBT however introduces a tactile element: a A clever credit card size device which resembles a DVD remote control, allowing users to literally ‘Pause their mind’, giving them a few moments to think through any proposed action or thought. Who in the world cannot think back to at least one instance in their life when they wished they had paused for a second before sending a hasty text or email, having the extra drink that took them over the limit? Think of everything from unwanted pregnancies to road rage, think of $24 billion!!! Martin Shirran was so intrigued by the plight of Larry Page that he is offering to supply all 24,000 members of Google’s staff a signed copy of the book at a discount price to help offset the loss. Full media information and high-resolution images are available on request. Pause Button Therapy – Hay House 2012-10-19 A PDF of this release is available here. Please click on the images above for print-quality pictures. Media Contact: Martin Shirran Email: [email protected] Tel: 0034 951 311 591 (24 hours) Mob: 0034 605 850 672 ENDS