

Shitsui Hakoishi, Age 107, Has Been Active Barber for Over 93 Years

On 7 January 2024, a LongeviQuest delegation traveled north from Tokyo to the rural Tochigi Prefecture to visit Shitsui Hakoishi-san, age 107, the world’s oldest barber and formally commemorate her record.
LINK: Video of Hakoishi-san receiving award and giving haircut on 7 January 2024
LINK: Full Story (more biographical details on Hakoishi-san and the day’s events)
Hakoishi-san has lived in the same house in Tochigi for nearly 80 years, and operates her barber shop out of a specialized room in her home. A prominent celebrity in Tochigi Prefecture, she was the prefectural government’s nominee to carry the Olympic Torch in advance of the Tokyo 2020 games. Local media reporters were present to cover the latest honor bestowed upon their famous neighbor. (see coverage from Japan: https://mainichi.jp/articles/20240107/k00/00m/040/225000c)
Hakoishi-san stood at the entrance to greet her visitors, bowing and standing straight again with no difficulty, and was provided a plaque formally honoring her status as the world’s oldest barber. It is possible that this recognition does not go far enough: Hakoishi-san may also hold the record for the longest active career of any person on the planet. She offered advice to young people beginning their careers and spoke about the challenges she faced early in her career, including how she initially moved to Tochigi from Tokyo during the war. “From the day I started,” recalled Hakoishi-san, “I resolved to remain fully committed down this path without losing my way…Things don’t go well when you lose your way.”
The event lasted over three hours, during which time she gave one of the LQ reps a haircut, but Hakoishi-san showed no sign of being worn out. Later, LQ learned that she gave multiple haircuts to regular clients the day after our visit. Hakoishi-san’s joyous approach to work and life is an example for the entire world. In response to a local media question, she explained the origin of her positive attitude. Referring to a period of her life after her husband was conscripted, Hakoishi-san recalled, “I was left with our two children. I resolved to work as hard as two people, for both of us…My life was very difficult while everything was going on, but now I am as happy as I could be…I’ll carry on working as hard as I can.”
LongeviQuest thanks Hakoishi-san and her family for their generous hospitality, and we congratulate Hakoishi-san on all her well-deserved recognition. We wish her many more years of life, health, and happiness.
LongeviQuest (LQ) is the global authority on maximum human longevity. The organization was founded in 2022 as a collaboration between the world’s leading age validation experts, with professional researchers in Europe, Asia, and the Americas. In 2023, LongeviQuest validated the first recognized supercentenarians in India and the Philippines. Further information, including the largest database of validated living supercentenarians, can be found at LongeviQuest.com.

Media Contacts
Yumi Yamamoto | [email protected]
Ben Meyers | [email protected]
