

Effective communications are a key asset to being discovered when customers are looking for your services and products.

This is the prime domain of the well-written press release, which can succinctly explain what your brand does and how it can impact your existing and future clients and customers.

Benefits can include enlarging your following, move qualified leads into successful sales and boosting media exposure, as well as increasing online discoverability, search engine result positions and inbound traffic.

So, how do you do this?

Firstly, you have to be clear about your angle or hook. Make your message interesting to journalists who will receive it with something topical and newsworthy, which they will want in turn to present to their audiences.

Bear in mind that journalists scan through such communications sometimes hundreds of times a day, so ensure your angle is eye-catching and concise. This should always be led by a headline worthy of an elevator pitch.

Identify relevance for your release’s target market and pinpoint the message to fit the demographic, expectation and arouse interest not just in your message, but also in the source it is coming from.

Add quotes and visuals to break up the text, providing journalists looking to turn the release into a story with the tools they need to do this. At Presswire, no additional charge is levied for including images or embedding video into a press release, and we always encourage customers to do so, even if it’s just a logo.

When crafting the release, also be mindful of the ever-changing way search engines deal with live content. When you use Presswire for press release distribution, the release will get picked up and run by Google News as well as their general search engine, so ensure it is free of anything that might get you penalised, such as:

* links to blacklisted sites;

* dead links (‘404’ not found pages);

* too many links (never include more than one link per 250 words);

* grammatical and spelling mistakes.

Adding a Media Contact to the footer of your release is also key to getting the release circulated as widely as possible (you can’t use our SEO Boost to add 500+ additional website postings without one) – so provide a named contact, phone number and email address here.

When your release goes live, you will receive from Presswire a Confirmation of Distribution email showing you the most important links for your live release, initially. While we are primarily responsible for the distribution of your release, you can also help to distribute it too by using these links across twitter and LinkedIn, newsletters and any other social media that will provide added exposure.

If you have a subscription to the Presswire Media Contact Database, you can cherry-pick individual journalists to contact about your release, or send them invitations to meet you to discuss your company news in person – and if you don’t, you can always use our Tracking Reports to pin-point interest in your release, as identified by our distribution system.

What’s more, the intel delivered by our industry-leading Tracking Reports will also allow you to compare the success of one release against another, to pinpoint your successes as well as areas that require more work next time around.

If you have any questions about how these services can be used to maximise your PR and Communications efforts and campaigns, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us and ask, either through our live web chat system or by messaging us from the Contact page – we are always happy to answer your enquiries.