
Cancer Support Community Releases Research at ASCO

The first two research abstracts cover the experiences of patients diagnosed with melanoma and gastric cancer, the third abstract examined patients’ views on nutrition and weight.

The abstracts reveal that patients are encountering challenges communicating with their health care teams (HCT), which adversely affect views of their treatment experience.

“Whether it is the cost of care, treatment options, or nutrition, patients are identifying communication gaps with their medical care teams,” said Linda House, president of CSC. “As we gather for the world’s largest cancer-related conference, we will focus on working with the health care community to ensure they know about this feedback and can address these concerns with the individuals they are serving.”

  • Melanoma: This study examined patient priorities in making melanoma treatment decisions and satisfaction with HCT communication. RTI gathered information from 72 melanoma survivors enrolled in CSC’s Cancer Experience Registry. It revealed that many melanoma survivors did not feel fully knowledgeable about nor were prepared to discuss treatment options with their HCT, and were not satisfied with cost of care discussions. The results support enhanced HCT communication around treatment options, especially regarding the impact of treatment on symptom burden and finances.
  • Gastric Cancer (GC): In this study, 50 gastric cancer survivors of varying GC types from the Cancer Experience Registry rated the importance of cost of care, length of life, quality of life, and family impact on treatment decision options. Similar to the melanoma study, these findings suggested patients were unsatisfied with cost of care discussions and that enhanced HCT communication about treatment options, especially regarding finances and symptom burden, is needed.
  • Eating and Nutrition: In this study, researchers examined the association between patient physical and psychosocial well-being and their level of comfort and confidence in talking to their HCT about nutrition and weight, changes in muscle tone and fitness, and fatigue. The data suggested that a patient’s body image perception is related to their comfort with talking to their HCT about weight and nutrition, changes in muscle tone and fitness, and fatigue, as well as their confidence that their HCT understands and can help with these concerns.

More information at www.CancerSupportCommunity.org

Media Contact: 
Ted Miller 
[email protected]